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    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    It made me go a little crazy too :lol: now I have people to talk to about it ! My mum doesn't watch it but whenever I do she always say's she loves Stella's/Melina's hair ! Doesn't everyone My season 3 came this morning I've just watched The Ride-In :D
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    The Last 10 Songs You Listened To #4

    1. Iris - Goo Goo Dolls 2. You Give Me Something - James Morrison 3. All the Small Things - Blink 182 4. A Bad Dream - Keane 5. This Year's Love - David Gray 6. Yellow - Coldplay 7. To the Moon & Back - Savage Garden 8. Bad Day - REM 9. Numb - Linkin Park 10. Don't Let Me Get Me - Pink
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    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    I know , I remember watching Blink ages ago and thinking how great they were !
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    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    Hi everyone newbie here :) I'm 100% Smacked shipper ! thought I'd say hello because I will probably be spending alot of time in this thread !
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    Life on Mars

    Life on Mars is brilliant I have both Series on dvd ! Watching it makes me wish I grew up in the 70's :)
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    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Me too it was a great excuse to buy the dvd and we watched Apollo 13 in physics and Forrest Gump in History so my school days were filled with Gary :lol:
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    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Hello everyone ! I'm a huge Gary fan ever since Yr 9 english when we watched Of Mice and Men :p after that I became obsessed :lol:
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    How many non-US peeps here?

    I'm from England ! I only watch CSI:NY I first watched it because of Gary Sinise then the obsession began ;)
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    Hiya everyone ! I'm Leanne and I'm from the UK which you can see from my username :)