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  1. L

    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    :eek: I have just read the spoilers this is major , those episodes should be amazing and filled to the brim with Smackedness :lol: I hope so anyway ! I'm so angry at the moment though one of the discs in my season three boxset is faulty so i've had to send the whole thing back !!! i'll just...
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    The cancer thread

    My dad had throat cancer in 2000 I was only nine at the time so they didn't tell me , I knew something was wrong I always remember my mum just sitting there one night crying and I just started to cry I think it was seeing her upset that made me upset , my brother and sister knew because they...
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    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    :eek: I haven't been on here for a week , my stupid laptop broke but now it's all good because it's fixed :) Anyway I watched Boo there wasn't any significant Smacked moments but them working a case together is great anyway , loved it in the Voo Doo shop place whatever it is when Stella kept...
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    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    It got mine and made me buy it :D and it was definitely worth it !
  5. L

    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    Faylinn I love your banner and the lil gangsta walk Adam does at the end :lol:
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    How many non-US peeps here?

    :lol: What episode was that ! thats hilarious and if he really did say it very rude :lol:
  7. L

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Imposter is just Gary running around with no shirt on :devil: which makes the film fantastic ! plus the shower scene at the beginning ! I love Open Season too I don't generally watch animated movies but I watched Open Season with my younger cousins and I loved it probably more than they did...
  8. L

    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    Hope you like the caps I do they are both just hotness :lol: if that makes sense , when I was watching Recycling awhile ago my mum asked me are Mac and Stella married :eek: I was like I wish ! But it shows how much they are like are couple especially in that last scene. This week I was off...
  9. L

    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    Was just looking through some screencaps and I found these great ones from A Daze Of Wine and Roaches Look How Close They Are ! Stella Staring At Mac Both Staring At Each Other ! They so love each other :lol: I was watching my Season 2 dvds last night and I watched Stealing Home ...
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    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    *Waves* Hello everyone my first post in the Adam/AJ thread ! I love Adam he is friggin amazing :D even more so in 'Down the Rabbit Hole'. And it helps that he's totally hot too :p
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    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    nattybatty55 I love your new sig :lol: I watched Ransom this morning it's one of my favourite Gary movies "Is today Jimmy Shaker day" :D
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    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    I love the scene in the Ride In it shows how close they are and towards the end of the scene you can just see Mac's arm pull her closer . Another episode that's great is Consequences the little scene at the beginning where Mac meets Stella in the bar and she tells him she's being followed and...
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    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    There is so many great episodes to choose from , one of my favourites is Hush (Season 1 Episode 16) the Stella saving Mac scene is :devil: and their conversation after it is so cute !
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    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    BonaTaylor made my banner I love it :) I wish I could go see Lt.Dan Band but I live soooooo far away :(
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    CSI NY Picture Game #7

    HillHarperHOT and Lessien Tinuviel are both correct :) but HillHarperHOT got there first well done :D
  16. L

    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    :D Just watched 'Down the Rabbit Hold' Smacked Alert :devil: the flirt seen was brilliant - "Who's the tacky dresser?" "That's Me" :lol: Come on Mac waterfalls :eek: You will have to use better lines on Stella :devil:
  17. L

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    :lol: Me too , he looks scrumptious
  18. L

    CSI NY Picture Game #7

    :D I can't post pictures yet so here's the link - What Episode ?
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    CSI NY Picture Game #7

    Stuck On You ?
  20. L

    What kind of cell phone do you have??

    My phone - Samsung X830 I originally got it because it had 1GB memory but I don't care about that now , it took ages to get used to texting on it aswell , i'm saving up for a new one.