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    Louise Lombard/Sofia Curtis

    Re: Sofia Curtis That's a thought. I hope so. There are a lot of rumours and spoilers floating around that indicated that "Gum Drops" will bury the GSR business. I think that's one of the reasons they moved Sofia out of CSI and made her a detective - to move any Grissom and Sofia dating...
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    Louise Lombard/Sofia Curtis

    Re: Sofia Curtis My two cents would be *really* boring if you could only be attracted to one person regardless or whether or not a relationship were feasible. Grissom and Sara have merely been collegues during their time at CSI - why shouldn't there be an attraction between him...
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    Louise Lombard/Sofia Curtis

    Re: Sofia Curtis Thanks for the heads up Tazzer! *joins*
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    Louise Lombard/Sofia Curtis

    Re: Sofia Curtis I couldn't agree more. Not to mention the fact that she's beautiful. (No wonder there's such chemistry between her and Grissom. :devil: ) I'm looking forward to seeing the character develop more this season. The ep 7 spoilers look quite promising.
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    Dislike An LV Character?

    Re: Dislike A Character I do hate Ecklie - but in a good way. ;) What fun would it be without the 'office jerk' that everyone loves to hate? There's always one wherever you work that thinks he's so much better than everyone else even when he's not. Ecklie and Grissom are oil and water to...
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    Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

    That was a really cute scene - cracked me up! :lol: Poor uptight Chandra having to deal with the crazy people. ;)
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    Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

    I really like this one. (It's cute and you know how we Canadian types enjoy being mentioned ;)) WARRICK: "Are you serious? David lost a body?" GRISSOM: "It happens. When I was working in Minneapolis, we had two John Smiths come in on the same day. Sent the wrong one back to Canada."
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    Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

    I love how dry the humour in that scene is - you can tell that Doc Robbins knows he's going to annoy Grissom with it and is enjoying it. Poor Gris having to deal with "childish metaphors". :lol:
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    Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

    Just watched this epi again the other day. (I'd love to be a victim on the show just so that Grissom and Doc Robbins can have a scene over me *g*) Dr. Robbins: "The answer is; the three main ways to take cocaine." Grissom: "Alright Alex. What is smoking it, snorting it or injecting it?" Dr...