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  1. danny-lindsay4e

    It's A 'New York' Feeling

    it's weird but good i like the way NY is done because i think the first csi is :evil: dark it's all about the night shift :evil:. Where miami :) is sunshine and bright and happy and mostly the crimes are in the daytime. i like how NY is somewhere in the middle it has it's dark and sad eppy's...
  2. danny-lindsay4e

    CSI NY Picture Game #9

    hi i'm new, debbie x just a quick question? can anyone play or do ya need to join or something? before you start guessing? hi everyone :)
  3. danny-lindsay4e

    Least Favorite Episode of Season Five?

    I went Veritas, although the first 3 were hard to decide on. sorry but for a season opener is was boring and i found myself up and about cleaning and putting things away it didn't keep my attention. :eek: i can't believe i said that lol normally glued when it's on :eek:
  4. danny-lindsay4e

    CSI:NY Spoiler Discussion - Bring on Season 6!

    I kind of get what your saying i mean this is my opion not stepping on anyones toes (looks at her feet to check). CSI NY is a very man cast and the two girls kind of fill the gap stella is the strong, sexy, say's what she thinks and the few bits to her that she doesn't have i think lindsay...
  5. danny-lindsay4e

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    I just want to thank you to everyone for the warm welcome :thumbsup: still trying to find my feet, where things are and what things do lol so im sorry if i do something wrong or put something where i shouldn't lol. Hey Cyn-B-Demented Yeah yeah i found that site and a few others :thumbsup...
  6. danny-lindsay4e

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    hey cdfsjai that would be great i just went on a posting mission adding different things in different threads lol. cool well when you know something let me know but i have a feeling it's made up to keep people quessing or nothing changes an we just get a newbie...... i hope :confused:
  7. danny-lindsay4e

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    hey i'm debbie rather new to all this but i loveeeee D/L only seen it a few months ago now i'm hooked and had to go out and buy all the season's to catch up lol. Loving team lucy (how cute?) i just hope mommy and daddy are ok? OMG we need happy Danny and Lindsay 4ever can't wait til season 6...
  8. danny-lindsay4e

    Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

    hey new here but i'm a big Anna fan love lindsay and danny. i've read a few spoilers that say hill, carmine and anna all signed til season 6 but you never know thats the problem with the net someone can start a rumor and it goes on and on until it's something else . lol debs x
  9. danny-lindsay4e

    Who is your favorite character on CSI:NY?

    i went for Lindsay i know very few like her here but i do :lol: "a pretty woman with brains living in a mans world"
  10. danny-lindsay4e

    Favorite Episode of Season Five?

    i went for greater good, i know shame on me but i kinda liked it having a lil girl of my own i know how it feels to bring a life into the world and brought some happy memories back. i did like Sex Lies and Silicone the whole Lindsay and flack was funny was a very different side to lindsay and...
  11. danny-lindsay4e

    CSI:NY Spoiler Discussion - Bring on Season 6!

    hey i'm new here but i have read this thread before i signed up and i still dunno?? i love all the idea's people are coming up with and i have a few. 1. sid (poor sid) dies Hawkes gets the ME job back, we get more hill. 2. lindsay dies and we have danny and flack moan for a few eppy's then...
  12. danny-lindsay4e

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    i'm not just a d/l fan just how i got hooked not really a one thread kind of woman lol i'm up for all the threads i'll always find something to say even if it's a mark on the glass wall in the lab :lol:. still trying to work out what all the buttons do so gonna make a few post just get the...
  13. danny-lindsay4e

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    Hey everyone Dunno if this is the right place but hey lol someone will move it if it's not right :) I'm debbie 22 new here well i've been reading a few thread for a few months but just decided to sign up. I always watched csi and miami never New york until a few months ago when i seen D/L...