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  1. Vickyyy

    Who Said It and What Episode

    Right character, wrong episode.
  2. Vickyyy


    Ouch... :(
  3. Vickyyy

    Who Said It and What Episode

    I wish I could remember my course info as easily as CSI: NY quotes lol! "You’re asking me? I work in a lab."
  4. Vickyyy

    Who Said It and What Episode

    Was it Adam in..... Can You Hear Me Now?
  5. Vickyyy

    Happy Birthday, Stars of CSI:NY!

    Happy belated birthday to both Anna and Hill.
  6. Vickyyy

    Celebrity News P2

    Oh no, that's so sad. I wish him all the best.
  7. Vickyyy

    What Books Are You Reading?-#3

    Re: What Are You Reading?-#3 I haven't read it personally but my Nan has and she said exactly the same thing about it not being as good. She was very disappointed in the whole book.
  8. Vickyyy

    What Books Are You Reading?-#3

    Re: What Are You Reading?-#3 I picked up On Green Dolphin Street today by Sebastian Faulks and I cannot wait to start reading it. He is without a doubt one of my favourite authors.
  9. Vickyyy

    Celebrity News P2

    Aww congrats to them, it's about time they had some happiness again.
  10. Vickyyy

    NCIS: Los Angeles

    Hmm yeah I get what you're both saying about the G thing, I guess I'm just trying to be too attached to fact when it's fiction and therefore anything is possible lol. You really can go through life without a first name. I do like that he doesn't know his though, it kind of makes the whole "I...
  11. Vickyyy

    NCIS: Los Angeles

    It's ok :D I don't mind knowing :) From what I've read Burned sounded like a great episode. What I don't get though is that apparently the bad guy told Callen he could tell him what the G stood for but surely Callen would have access to that sort of information himself as a federal agent?
  12. Vickyyy

    Who Said It and What Episode

    It was :D Good job.
  13. Vickyyy

    CSI: NY Moves to Friday Night at 9pm Next Season

    This doesn't really affect me in the UK but I've heard both positive and negative feedback from people it will affect. I hope it does well in it's new spot.
  14. Vickyyy

    Who Said It and What Episode

    Neither I'm afraid :(
  15. Vickyyy

    Quiz Thread #5

    Big and Populated: 10/14 Dog Faces: 11/25 Begins with 'Tri': 20/30
  16. Vickyyy

    NCIS: Los Angeles

    Ah I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought he was too cocky. I really got that vibe from him when he was sitting around the table with Sam, Kensi and Callen. Dom didn't get a funeral? That sucks :(
  17. Vickyyy

    NCIS: Los Angeles

    Maybe I'll prefer him in the next episode. Maybe I'm just being mean to him because I wanted Dom back :( He is cute though :D
  18. Vickyyy

    Who Said It and What Episode

    Yay! New quote: "It doesn’t matter who the victim is. It’s the killer we’re after."
  19. Vickyyy

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    To the idiot(s) in the exam hall today and yesterday, Thanks SO much for leaving your mobile phones on. When I'm trying to write an exam, there's nothing I appreciate more than being distracted by your lame ringtone or the sound of your phone loudly vibrating against the floor. Thanks for...
  20. Vickyyy

    NCIS: Los Angeles

    Poor Dom :( We had 1.19 'Hand-to-Hand' last night. I thought it was another really good episode but I'm not too sure how I feel about Deeks. At times I liked him (okay, I didn't like him until the end when he saved Sam) and at other times (most of the time he was on screen...) I didn't like...