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  1. Vickyyy

    American Idol- Thread #2

    I really haven't been keeping up with this season but I did see the 15 year old who sang Like We'd Never Loved At All (I think!), Lauren was it? And then she got her family in and sang I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing with Steve Tyler? She was amazing. I only saw her because our press picked up on...
  2. Vickyyy

    CSI:NY Season 7 in the UK

    Agreed, that made no sense to me sending them off on their merry way with just a protective vest, a gun and a prayer.
  3. Vickyyy

    CSI:NY Season 7 in the UK

    I didn't really rate the episode last night. All the split screen stuff and the slow-mo shootings and then the replays that show you who they actually shot/missed just didn't do it for me. The main guy/killer was good and I think the story behind it was interesting but I didn't like how it all...
  4. Vickyyy

    NCIS: Los Angeles

    Is this back on in the US now? It finished here just before Christmas and is yet to return :(
  5. Vickyyy

    Quiz Thread #5

    Missing Word - 24/24 Foursome from Sets III - I didn't get it... Starbucks - 20/30
  6. Vickyyy

    CSI:NY Season 7 in the UK

    I was a little so-so about this weeks episode. Whilst I liked the fact it wasn't immediately obvious who the killer was, the rest of the episode was just a bit lackluster. It didn't really excite or intrigue me.
  7. Vickyyy

    Adam/AJ #3 - AdamRoss.Edu

    He's got a lovely smile, thanks for the pics. I'm like a month out of date with this now but I finally saw Christmas Mail over the Christmas period and I loved it! Adorable beyond words.
  8. Vickyyy

    Quiz Thread #5

    Missing Word - 11/24 Cities with Jews - 21/42 Green Characters - 13/35 Board Games - 14/24 (I had no idea Snakes and Ladders was called Chutes and Ladders over the other side of the pond!!) Two Word Movie - 18/26 Typing Challenge - 45/52 Top 100 80s Girls Names - 37/100 Double Vowel Start - 10/18
  9. Vickyyy

    CSI:NY Season 7 in the UK

    I wasn't sold on Jo until she showed NYC to the Marine. That got me a bit emotional. I do like her but she is a bit of a know-all! Not saying that's a bad thing but it's a bit too much at times for me. The Adam storyline was good and I enjoyed Hawkes and Danny teasing him at the end. The...
  10. Vickyyy

    Quiz Thread #5

    3 Letter Words - 20/28 Fame Chain - 50/79
  11. Vickyyy

    Quiz Thread #5

    Major Events of 2010 - 23/34 (didn't get The Late Show one) Foursome from Sets II - didn't even attempt this! Word Scramble - 14/17
  12. Vickyyy

    Quiz Thread #5

    Fake Santa - 17/30 Missing Word Book Titles - 25/26 Alphabet TV - 8/26 (haven't heard of half of them! Who is Ty Pennington?!!)
  13. Vickyyy

    Quiz Thread #5

    Catching Some Z's - 18/36 Find That Country - 3/5 Rudolph Lyrics - 26/26
  14. Vickyyy

    Quiz Thread #5

    Finish the Christmas Song - 32/32 TV Show By Car - didn't attempt, I don't know a thing about cars! Top 15 Websites - 118/180
  15. Vickyyy

    Quiz Thread #5

    Missing Word - 7/20! (My US geography is appalling, as is my geopgraphy in general!) Safe Cracker - 36/36 Word Ladder - 48/60
  16. Vickyyy

    Quiz Thread #5

    Product Mascots - 12/36 (some I'd never seen and some have totally different names here in the UK!) Two 'of the' words - 48/50 Baby Names - 25/40.
  17. Vickyyy

    NCIS: Los Angeles

    Ah that's so unfair, we have to wait until January :( Oooh David Hoflin is in the new episode, loved him as Oliver in Neighbours so looking forward to seeing him in a new role.
  18. Vickyyy

    NCIS: Los Angeles

    Absolutely loved the recent two-parter. Has the show taken a Christmas break in the US or are we the only ones being deprived until the New Year? :(
  19. Vickyyy

    The Rest In Peace & Remembrance Thread #2

    So sad about Leslie Nielsen. Whenever I think of him I always think of "... and don't call me Shirely!" Iconic line! RIP.
  20. Vickyyy

    GLEE- Are You a GLEEk?

    Haven't read the thread because I don't want to be spoiled for Season Two but I just wanted to let you know the cast will be on the X Factor next Sunday if you're in the UK :)