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  1. EmilyRocks

    Picture Game #3!

    Going Ballistic?
  2. EmilyRocks

    Pin the tail on the Birthday Thread #7

    Happy Birthday -- Sam222 and DetHiggins!!!Have a great one!
  3. EmilyRocks

    Best villians

    I agree with Alamance. I'm really starting to like Ron Saris too. Before him my favorite was Clavo Cruz. I am too creeped out by Stewart Otis to even talk about him. I love the way Ron calls Horatio "Red" and Stetler "Stets". That just makes me laugh. He's so creepy but yet so almost likable...
  4. EmilyRocks

    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    That makes 2 guys that look hot in Ed Hardy shirts... Adam and my husband :) gotta go find this shirt for my hubby now!
  5. EmilyRocks

    Episode 7x24 'Dissolved' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Ya know? Clavo Cruz was my favorite bad guy, but I think I'm gonna have to go with Saris now. He's hilarious. :)
  6. EmilyRocks

    List of episodes actually filmed in Miami?

    I know that part of From The Grave (season 4 ep. 1) was filmed in Coral Gables which is right beside Miami. I think they used the same place for Lost Son.
  7. EmilyRocks

    The Official Pet Thread pt2

    Love the cat pics! We have 3. One sleeps down by my feet, one sleeps on the floor and one sleeps on my husband's pillow until he pushes him off and the cat ends up sleeping on my pillow.
  8. EmilyRocks

    CSI Miami Intro - season 1&2

    I think they are from the pilot episode, where Catherine and Warrick come from Vegas to help. Because the first part of the crime had been committed there. I haven't watched that one in forever so my details are kinda shaky.
  9. EmilyRocks

    CSI: Miami Picture Game Thread #2

    Meatball42 You got it! LOL Mine are just too easy hehee Your turn :)
  10. EmilyRocks

    CSI: Miami Picture Game Thread #2

    yay! Okay here goes --
  11. EmilyRocks

    CSI: Miami Picture Game Thread #2

  12. EmilyRocks

    Emily/Calleigh #11 :The Divine Miss Em

    Ah! That's one of my favorite episodes. "Going Under"! I love it. The part after the opening credits where it opens up to Calleigh looking over the railing is absolutely beautiful. You can really see how pretty Emily/Calleigh really is. Can you tell who my favorite character is? LOL Her...
  13. EmilyRocks

    One Word - Miami Style

    Saw this in the CSI: New York part. Hope the person who made it doesn't mind that I'm making a Miami one :) I can't remember who started that thread. Here goes... How would you describe each character with one word? Horatio: unbreakable Calleigh: perfect Eric: gorgeous Ryan: interesting...
  14. EmilyRocks

    Pin the Tail on the Birthday Thread #6

    Elwood and Hannah06_95 - Happy Birthday! Have a great one :) :bolian:
  15. EmilyRocks

    Emily/Calleigh #11 :The Divine Miss Em

    We know very little about Calleigh's family. All we know is that she has Duke (an alcoholic), a mother who was more of a friend than an authoritarian figure & that she probably has siblings ( we still aren't sure about it considering that we know very little about her :p). I want to see what...
  16. EmilyRocks

    Emily/Calleigh #11 :The Divine Miss Em

    Welcome Califan! You sound like me last year :) I had to play catch up too and bought all the seasons. Calleigh is my favorite character too.
  17. EmilyRocks

    CSI: Miami Icons #6 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    ahh! I loved looking at your icons! I'll definitely ask you if I can use one of yours if I want to change mine! great job :)
  18. EmilyRocks

    Michael Travers: Trace with an Accent

    loved it in the episode before last where he's coming down the stairs and he's calling for Calleigh... the way he says her name is really cute :) Hope he'll be in lots more episodes, I really like him.
  19. EmilyRocks

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI:Miami When...Part 2!

    ^^ I agree with the stop talking to a person because they hate Calleigh!! -- when you see the word proctor and think "NO! It's Procter!" even though it's supposed to be proctor -- when you make math homework for your students and the names are all CSI Miami characters :)
  20. EmilyRocks

    Re-examine the episodes! ['Extreme']

    Re: Re-examine the episodes! ['Dispo Day'] Dispo Day was the first episode of CSI:Miami I ever saw. It was also when I decided that Calleigh was my favorite character. I also remember not knowing Eric's last name yet (obviously, since it the first one I ever watched) and I thought he was...