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  1. Orla_Dark

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    Some Jon quotes abot Eric\Greg:
  2. Orla_Dark

    Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

    Ankeila, omg *melt* how you did that color on both Ryan banners?
  3. Orla_Dark

    Picture Game #3!

    csifann1, i'll PM you my guess :devil:
  4. Orla_Dark

    Wallpaper Thread #10: Showcase, Links, & Requests

    CSI_Kat, love Ryan wps!
  5. Orla_Dark

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

    Sorry, Cath.Swas first and you both are right! You up next Cath.S :thumbsup:
  6. Orla_Dark

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

    Cath.S, no.
  7. Orla_Dark

    Picture Game #3!

    Two minutes :eek: You are fast! :lol: You got it! :thumbsup:
  8. Orla_Dark

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    You wanna kill me? I'm soon come sleep, do you realise how naughty dreams i see now?:devil::lol::devil:
  9. Orla_Dark

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

    Right character, wrong ep.
  10. Orla_Dark

    Picture Game #3!

    Here the next pic: Ryan, who else? :)
  11. Orla_Dark

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

    Thanks:) Here the next one: X: One thing's clear - we have to find him.
  12. Orla_Dark

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    I wish it happen on the show :devil: I'm sure sooner or later it's happen))))
  13. Orla_Dark

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    I like how Bethany in that scene always trying steal something from his kit and he stopping her :lol:
  14. Orla_Dark

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    Actually i knew that, but thanks anyway.
  15. Orla_Dark

    csi miami season 8 (Speculation)

    That was i said in dislike thread, better no romance on the show. For me as CaRWash fan it's hard still ship them because of all EC stuff. I still love CaRWash, but now it hard and i'm not enjoying this show as i was before, when there wasn't any romance :(
  16. Orla_Dark

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    My friend from other forum can't, so i dacide write it, just on case ;)
  17. Orla_Dark

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    You all are welcome, but i did mistake and post one vidoe two times. Here the photoshoot video
  18. Orla_Dark

    csi miami season 8 (Speculation)

    She write that EDeN never take over the show, tptb had this relationship whole s4, if it didn't work they end it after couple eps. IMO, tptb just don't wanna write it like major storyline, but they did it with EC. It was tptb choose how show this two romances, not wrok\ didn't work thing. We...
  19. Orla_Dark

    1vs1 Challenges Th.#3 Challenge #35 - Results

    Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#3 Challenge #30 - Results! Stee, H_Miami_Fan, amazing icons! You both kicking my ass :lol: CSIFann1, your icon is wonderful! :) Stee, H_Miami_Fan, CSIFann1, thank you for challenges!)))
  20. Orla_Dark

    csi miami season 8 (Speculation)

    It's ok, everyone have their opinion, i think it's soap opera, not only EC. H finding his 16 years old son, Eric find out that his father is not his father and his bio-daddy in mob\criminal... It's all too soapy for show about crime! Imo, of course. If he is alien i wanna leave on his planet...