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  1. Orla_Dark

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    Thanks :) Jon perfect in all! :) If you wanna, i can post here all Sacoor pics :)
  2. Orla_Dark

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    Thanks. It's from Sacoor Photoshoot ;)
  3. Orla_Dark

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

    Thanks :) And sorry - no, wrong ep. Yes, you got it!
  4. Orla_Dark

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    I totally imagine Justin call to Jon at night and saying "Dude, your fans drive me crazy! Join to Twitter right now!" If he would there, i would there too. Can someone write me what exactly Twitter is?
  5. Orla_Dark

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

    I know :lol: No, it's not Dangerous son :)
  6. Orla_Dark

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

  7. Orla_Dark

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

    It's Ryan but wrong ep.
  8. Orla_Dark

    Picture Game #3!

    You good, i thought it would a little hard :guffaw: You up next! :thumbsup:
  9. Orla_Dark

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

    No, it's not Eric.
  10. Orla_Dark

    Picture Game #3!

    Another Ryan pic: (click for bigger size)
  11. Orla_Dark

    Picture Game #3!

    If Looks Could Kill?
  12. Orla_Dark

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

    Thanks :D X: You think that belongs to our missing boat owner? Good luck ;)
  13. Orla_Dark

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

    I can imagine him saying anything :lol: Natalia in Target Specific?
  14. Orla_Dark

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

    I was sure it's him :lol: I'm even hear his voice in my head saying that :guffaw:
  15. Orla_Dark

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

    I remember Ryan saying that to Calleigh (maybe), but i don't remember when :brickwall:
  16. Orla_Dark

    Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

    I searching there, but no luck :(
  17. Orla_Dark

    Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

    No, he wasn't. It was promo pic for Broken home, but they never show him in sunglasses in that ep.
  18. Orla_Dark

    Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

    I remember that you did a wp with that pic too. Btw, i don't see this banner :(
  19. Orla_Dark

    Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

    Thanks, but i already have them. I know that and i searching this pic almost a year :(
  20. Orla_Dark

    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Quench Your Thirst!'

    Yeah, and all girls in the lab would go there for news, even if they don't need this such of information :lol: