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  1. Orla_Dark

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    My friend pauchet from LJ has given me some links on Sacoor interview and Sacoor photoshoot, i didn't them before and i hope it's new for you too :) Interview Interview 2 Photoshoot She have two more, but she still not sharing them, cuz they big. I post it here when she did it ;)
  2. Orla_Dark

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #39: Nick, Ryan, Danny - Now Open! Beginner/Intermediate: 05 04 11 Advanced: 15 07 09 Great job everyone, it was really hard to choose. :)
  3. Orla_Dark

    CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    Whit, Ryan with hearts *melt* Great job!))))
  4. Orla_Dark

    csi miami season 8 (Speculation)

    Oh no, i forget about Frank :( I love his funny comments, i love his interaction with Ryan (Dust monkey moment :lol:), i'd love to see more! Thats what i hate, tptb obviously think that we can't have any ep without EC, they die if don't show something about them. miamifan08, i didn't saw all...
  5. Orla_Dark

    Picture Game #3!

    Florry86, Collateral Damage?
  6. Orla_Dark

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

    I think it's Frank and H in Burned :)
  7. Orla_Dark

    csi miami season 8 (Speculation)

    I didn't thought you mean that Ryan bastard ;)
  8. Orla_Dark

    csi miami season 8 (Speculation)

    It was just stupid, Ryan worry about her when he get slap from widow, but he didn't ask about her when she almost die. They never asks about Ryan.
  9. Orla_Dark

    csi miami season 8 (Speculation)

    What i want in new season: 1) Ryan's storyline, something more then one ep. 2) Natalai's storyline... just give her something finally! 3) Less EC (it's not me if i don't mention it :lol:), i'm sick from this storyline. 4) More Horatio\Kyle scenes. 5) More detective!!! Not soap opera! 6) Alexx...
  10. Orla_Dark

    Picture Game #3!

    You got it! :thumbsup:
  11. Orla_Dark

    Picture Game #3!

    I guessed Eric's pic? :eek: I'm in shock :guffaw: Next one: Ryan
  12. Orla_Dark

    csi miami season 8 (Speculation)

    *sigh* Me too *sigh* That depends what people think is normal. SuperH isn't normal, but we all can't see him without that :p I'm talking about big holes in writings.
  13. Orla_Dark

    csi miami season 8 (Speculation)

    I'm waiting when tptb would write normal storylines for everyone, not for one ep and not too much, maybe sometimes mention past experience. But probably i will be very and very old when it's happen :lol: sad but true :(
  14. Orla_Dark

    csi miami season 8 (Speculation)

    IMO, we saw enough those two storylines. No one on this show don't have THAT long storylines, even H (sometimes we see something about his past storylines, but it's never was too much and too often)
  15. Orla_Dark

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    You wanna offence me? :( You think that Erica\Ryan is more realistic cuz tptb show you it and it was canon relationships. I dodn't think you should talk about them here. This is thread about CaRWash and obviously people here thinking that chemistry between Ryan and Calleigh can be romantic. I...
  16. Orla_Dark

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    Can anyone know if we can see that match on you-tube? Or it was close match?
  17. Orla_Dark

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    Maybe, actually i had the same thought, but then decide to ask, just on case. Thank you)))
  18. Orla_Dark

    Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

    Maybe it's stupid question, but what TNT means? I know it's like nickname, but what it means? Anyone know?
  19. Orla_Dark

    Picture Game #3!

    One of Our Own?
  20. Orla_Dark

    Double Standards?

    no_pulse, the most thing i was angree in Eric and Calleigh is they don't wanna know reasons. They didn't ask, they don't wanna hear anything, they saw on side of medal and make their decision on that. And i hate (really hate) how other fans start hating Ryan and say many rude words about him...