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  1. H

    Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~ I certainly hope she can make it back as soon as New Years. Even better, you guys'll agree, if it's sooner. S5 is looking a lot like s4 and I do hope that her coming back will repair the show and poor broken H. I do hope that the writers, this...
  2. H

    Adrien Brody

    Adrien did lose 30 lbs for the movie I believe. Now, from what I've heard, it was shot in reverse chronological order (the second half, with him weakly and dangerously thinner with the beard, filmed first) and then he gained it back. Those scenes were certainly moving, I, personally, had a lump...
  3. H

    Adrien Brody

    I hope both of you get to see Hollywoodland soon. AB is utterly flawless in it. Here in the US it's suppose to be released on DVD in Jan 07. Tink I'm so glad you finally got to see The Pianist. I agree the film is hard to watch--the wheelchair scene is indeed haunting--and Roman certainly...
  4. H

    Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~ Welcome to all the new people in here. Thrilled to see all the new faces and the show of H.Y support! Please remember that all posts should stay at least 3 lines long, so as to prevent chances of spamming, and to keep things in good order...
  5. H

    Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~ Oh wibbs, I totally agree to the point of H/Y greatly resembling the same equality Mr. Rochester and Jane Eyre. So true. These two also remind me of the long journey traveled by dashing Colonel Brandon and his evident, yet hesitant, love of...
  6. H


    Glad you got to see it MacsGirlMel and welcome in here. If the episode you're talking about, with sending people out in every direction, is 'The Four Horsemen,' which is episode three. The one with Hawkins putting the tacs in the map is 'Fallout,' episode two. Personally, I don't know...
  7. H

    Welcome To The CSI:Miami Forum!

    Glad to have you with us, HC_4_my_birthday!
  8. H


    The music did bother me a bit :lol: I think the scene at the end would've been FAR more effective without that song. It just annoyed me. Totally agree about Skeet! :devil: I wish he'd wear more then grey, though. The red shirt in the 'Federal Response' episode was a welcome.
  9. H

    Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~ So good to see you joining us in here wibbsy :D! As MD said, it is indeed fascinating to read thoughts of people who are first experiencing the H/Y storyarc. I think you'll certainly enjoy yourself in the coming episodes concerning these two...
  10. H

    Josh Groban ~Grobanites Unite!~

    Yeah the Josh Groban website has a countdown opening page like that. It's still there I think. I check that site on a regular basis ;). If you'll go to the main page where the news is, there's a link to the contest they're having where you could win a trip to see Josh play in London Oct 27th...
  11. H

    Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~ Thanks everyone for checking out the new fic installment of mine. There'll be an update as soon as those plot bunnies start hopping again. Maybe they need caffeine. ;) Sorry if I haven't been posting like myself lately. It's just that I've...
  12. H

    Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

    Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11 ^:lol: Where do I sign my name?! Season 4 is like one gigantic Halloween episode to me. Scary.
  13. H

    Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~ Definately love the Narnia analogy. Definately true. I've finally done it you guys. I've updated my fic and I think the length of it really was what took it so long. It was fun writing though. '10-7' actually inspired me a bit about this...
  14. H

    "The Road I'm On" Miami fic

    Re: Horatio & Yelina fic ...Another head aches, another heart breaks I am so much older than I can take And my affection, well it comes and goes I need direction to perfection, no no no no... Horatio parks his Hummer beneath a street lamp and both he and his younger brother step out. They...
  15. H

    Josh Groban ~Grobanites Unite!~

    It is good that all the pics he did to promote 'Awake', including the one for the cover, make him look less grave. I think they do express a bit the way he's changed since the last album release.
  16. H

    Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~ :lol: My positive energy is also dwindling, Luce. The devices that got between the two, in the first 3 seasons, were indeed a bit fustrating for us, but at least they were there for us to actually SEE! Blah. Still, I remain a tad more...
  17. H

    Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~ Thanks for the pics kit4na & Lucy. 'Spring Break' really does have a quintessential 'checking out H' scene. I love the blushing school-boy Horatio. So cute! :devil:
  18. H

    Josh Groban ~Grobanites Unite!~

    Nah, that was a great cap you did! Made me realize it looks like he's talking to his thumb :lol:. I'm all about random questions so here's one to mull over: what is your fav Josh pic you've seen so far?
  19. H


    You're welcome again. :D Some good news for Jericho was announced yesterday: CBS orders full season And another article saying the same thing. Jericho picked up
  20. H

    Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~ Welcome carole to our humble abode. Glad to have you with us! :) Thanks for finding that out for us Lucy. I had the name of the episode on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't remember. My brain freezes like that sometimes.