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  1. H

    Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

    I certainly think Horatio and Yelina would have communicated since 'Rio,' because - knowing H - he'd certainly be calling to check up on them and whatever. Maybe even helping them move back into their house in Miami or what-not. The writers really haven't seemed to be too considerate of us H/Y...
  2. H

    Photography Competition: Pets Corner - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner I've got several animals so it'll be fun to pick out a pic. *feels sorry for wibbs mail box ;)*
  3. H

    Josh Groban ~Grobanites Unite!~

    Just needed to post in here. It's just been announced that Josh's album Awake is now no. 2 on the billboard charts with 25 million sales (just in the US) since it was released Nov 7th. It's being estimated that he'll be #1 by Christmas. Boyah!
  4. H


    I just rewatched episode five and, I must've not been paying too much attention to the scene or something when I watched it the first time, but the Mayor says that the Fire Chief and 'half the department' went to Denver. There was no explanation why, however.
  5. H

    The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

    I watched 'Equilibrium' last night. It wasn't the first time I've seen it but it's just one of those movies that sometimes need to be seen more than once. It's a visually stunning film that has a lot of similarities to several works of dystopian fiction, the one most apparent to me was it's...
  6. H

    Josh Groban ~Grobanites Unite!~

    :lol: Love those pics Hummer. Wondering a bit about the shoe-to-ear pic. The girl behind him seems to think it's normal so...
  7. H


    I'm going to look into Alex Carter's status on the show, for you guys, but as far as I know he's only shot 1 episode out of nine so far (according to and CBS). If I find out more I'll let you guys know. :)
  8. H

    Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of Love

    Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L 1CSIMfan was right in saying that those thread titles could cause trouble. I'm sure you guys don't want to offend GSR fans in anyway, if possible. There are several other thread titles that will suit these two perfectly without...
  9. H

    Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You?~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #5 ~ How Can I Not Love You...~ Sorry I'm a little late getting in, computers always muck up at the wrong times. Anyway, whoop for thread no. 5! Definately a great accomplishment, you guys, getting this far. :D The continuous (and growing) support of these two is always...
  10. H


    Found this article. Looks like Jericho will be going on a break for awhile after this month. Going to be hard, I haven't missed an episode yet :eek:. Not happy :mad:: Other such articles: Jericho takes a break "JERICHO" TO BE PRESENTED IN TWO DISTINCT SEASONS WITH NO REPEATS
  11. H

    Josh Groban ~Grobanites Unite!~

    His singing voice has definately improved. He's still the same baratone, if you get what I'm saying, but his vocal capabilities have increased. I've had the album pre-ordered for the last couple of months and I'm still waiting on it to get here. The agony! :lol: Anyway, some pics that were...
  12. H

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    ^Awesome shades! Some pics I totally forgot I had. It happens all the time with me. Anyway, here they are: With my sister's pup Mitzi My fiance and me in late Oct back from the hospital catching some z's with my home-coming present
  13. H

    Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~ I totally agree that "How Can I Not Love You... does suit these two incredibly and the lyrics are just lovely. It has my vote :). Still, if anyone feels that we should take a poll I, or someone else, can still put it up. :D
  14. H

    Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~ These are the suggestions, so far, for thread titles. As I said before, if there's a conflict I'll put them all in a poll and let majority rule :). If anyone has any other suggestions feel feel to share--but please include it in your on-topic...
  15. H

    Adrien Brody

    Just found this out from a friend of mine in London. Hollywoodland premiered in London on Oct 30th and Brody himself attended. source: And a nice pic from that event: Elsa and Adrien
  16. H

    Josh Groban ~Grobanites Unite!~

    KiaraMebarak I'm not sure when the video will come out but I know that they finished filming it about two weeks ago. YAYS! The album is finally out. Sheesh, it's been too long a wait but I'm sure it will be well worth it. has changed it's countdown theme to a 'tour' theme though it...
  17. H

    ~Welcome To The Merchandise Forum~

    Hope you're enjoying your new place, Luce. Us ship mods are just upstairs so don't forget to come in, and I know you won't forget your fav thread ;)!
  18. H

    Yelina Salas #2: 'Get Back To Where You Once Belonged'

    As I said in the H/Y thread it really is a lovely pic! I am interested in what they were talking about before the pic was taken, they both seem to be sharing a joke of some sort. I'm glad that they're associating even if, sadly, we don't see Yelina on the show. Hopefully this pic is a sign of...
  19. H

    Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~ Aw, thanks so much for the pic MD. It's such a lovely pic and they both look tickled about something. They seem to be on good terms off-camera, which is good. They both look stunning. Definately warms the H/Y heart a bit. :)
  20. H

    Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~ I haven't heard anything official about a Feb sweep but I may look into it (unless someone else knows). Gah, I just wish we could get some spoilers or something to look foward to concerning the not-so-bright beginnings of s5. Kit4na those are...