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  1. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    I would do crackfic comedy or sugary sweet fluff, I suck at angsty stuff. But...I have to complete finals first :( They are this week. But, I'll toy with some ideas. Hey, this might gimme the boost I need to introduce my own character. (Relax, she is pure, 100% comic relief.) If anyone wants...
  2. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    OOO That sounds like a mega-fun game to play! I could join the game too, when I finish my finals that is *cries* By the way, does anyone have any good, easy to use gif maker programs they would recommend? I'd really appreciate it!
  3. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    ooo I liked all the ways of outing, I really like the gay couple scenario! Clarrisani, I liked yours too. I cannot think of a good one to post though. All of mine are just to sugary and cute for a crime drama. >.> Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! :D
  4. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    *is eye to eye with Nick's picture* Oh the things I would do to that man...:eek: crap, did I say that out loud? What I meant to say was thank you for all the birthday wishes. Yes, that is what I meant. Twins, what do you mean by "surprises"?
  5. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    Well, I can tell you, the straight guys I know who are best friends never touch each other like that. Huh? It says today is my birthday? But that's tomorrow? Oh well. :eek: That was a manip?! Holy crap! I woulda never guessed! Then again, I am not good at spotting stuff like that...
  6. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    Well, I would say that they are trying to fit into the frame, but...they look too close for that. Trailer/Dressing room Sex anyone? :devil:
  7. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    Wow, it is Serenity's birthday today?! Wow, tons of people with April birthdays here! Happy Birthday Serenity! *is wearing a party hat* You know, Nick/Greg is my first ever slash fiction pairing, I have to say, I have become obsessed with finding the perfect songs for videos about our boys, so I...
  8. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    *a loud squeak is heard, not unlike the one from a rubber ducky and nickfanboy(girl) appears* I see Wojo is celebrating her birthday, Happy Birthday! :D *hands Wojo a picture of Nick and Greg making out* Enjoy ^^ I saw the new eppy, I must say, Greg looks sooo cute in the picture Seabird posted...
  9. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    Ah, I am a noob when it comes to this fandom you know, so I am not sure if there is a drop in fans or not, as for the guild, it is doing ok. It has a small group of members but hey, what can I say, I am a noob at modding too. I was actually surprised by the number of fans on gaia I found, so I...
  10. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    :D I loved the way the top ten turned out! Great job! May I link to it on my guild? My episode guide is going at the blazing speeds of a...snail -_- I have been busy with exam studying and papers that prof just love handing out. >:O They are trying to kill me with the load of work. Just kidding...
  11. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    Blah, the eppy was ok, I was so excited when I saw Sara wasn't in it, seducing Grissom, then she just randomly shows up >.> I loved how Greg yelled at the Mother, I have been saying those same exact things (though not nearly as polite) since Fannysmackin'. On a random note, my birthday is the...
  12. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    But still, what makes the subtext so perfect is that it is not forced, in my opinion. And I wanna see Mr.Szmanda kissing a guy, but Marilyn Manson kinda scares me... :( Just remember, CSI is such a great show because it doesn't revolve around the people as much as the crimes. That's what makes...
  13. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    Hmmm, I shall sign the petitions but, I think TPTB have an idea what they are doing. I'm just saying, we better not get them angry at us or they might kill one of our boys off! Not that they would, at least I hope not... About the Nick/Greg=Canon one, can there be repeat pics? Then again, I...
  14. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    <3 I am mega excited about Thursday's eppy, I can't wait! I hope nothing happens to Greg though. So, I have an idea for something we could do with so many caps, we could have a best caption contest. What does everyone think about that?
  15. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    I'm so sorry I missed the chat, I had a test in the morning so I couldn't stay up late :( I saw the eppy, I loved the look Nick gave Greg in the beginning! Hopefully next week will have more of them both.
  16. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    Today I am doing all my homework and stuff for my test tomorrow in the afternoon so I can give my total, undivided attention to the episode! I can't wait! I have been dying with suspense! I just hope my ominous feeling isn't right...
  17. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    How about 10 minutes after the eppy ends? But, won't the times be different, since we all are in different time zones?
  18. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    I have that feeling too, I just saw the EE trailer on youtube. But, I also have an ominous feeling about it too...I hope nothing bad happens... I like the Nick flirts back one personally x3
  19. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    *drools* Oh I cannot wait till Empty Eyes! The suspense is killing me! Twins, do you want me to resend you the pilot summery or do you just wanna edit it and post it? I'll have some more done by Tuesday
  20. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    I wouldn't mind either way, because in fanfiction, WE control what happens :devil: but I would want them to stay single. *notices George in pic* HOLY CRAP!! Can you say arm porn?! I wonder where that pic was from...