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  1. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

    OMG! We should steal Eric's clothes and sell them on the internet! Better even we should somehow clone them both and make them....*stops* Ok, sorry I got a little too excited there ^^;. But that is a cute pic, btw is there a link to his speech? BTW, like my new avatar? It's Osaka from the anime...
  2. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

    Wait wait wait, what have I missed? I'm all confused... Anyways, I was just wondering, does anyone know how to upload an avatar? But, from what I have seen, Nick would be there to comfort Greg if it became too much to bear.
  3. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

    See, remember when the first eppy of season six aired? When the officer said he tried to call Nick to apologize? See, if I was there I would have said: "Hmm, well if it were me who was almost killed because you didn't do your job, I wouldn't wanna speak to you either." Or something. In GD...
  4. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

    :D I didn't know you were into Yu-Gi-Oh Clarrisani! I love it! Well, the japanese ones at least...I assume it was Seto/Jonouchi? ;) By the way, I'll help beta in RR, since I doubt I can be much help in writing the actual chapters :o Random note: one more post till I can have an avatar <3 :D
  5. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

    I noticed though, there was like, no real reaction to Grissom revealing his realationship with Sara... Season 8 better be full of Nick/Greg moments, remember, I'll summon my Peguin minions to deal with the writers if not :devil:
  6. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

    When it showed sara under the car, I heard the song, "Ding Dong The Witch is Dead". I was really happy.Is that...a bad thing? Being so happy about someone dying? :O Because if it is, I feel no remorse :devil: Natalie, we all know you're perfectly metally stable. If anyone here is insane, it...
  7. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

    I can understand about OCs, even though the one I created is just pure comic relief. But oh well, I'm curious about the finale though, I hope it isn't a cliffhanger, I freaking hate those...>_>
  8. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

    :D OMG! Twins! The pictures, icons, *squeals with fanboyish glee* So amazing! Please, please, please can I use them on my guild? Please?
  9. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    *looks at wojo's manip* Amazing, I would have thought it was an actual scene from an episode, had I not known about either episode, or told it was a manip. See, Wojo, I didn't mind the episode, I was just vexed that Greg only was in it for less then two minutes >_>
  10. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    You should have seen my reaction when they denied us Greg, I actually said: "I KNEW THEY WERE GONNA SCREW US! I KNEW IT!" >_> Plus there wasn't even a scene with him it was just like, Episode starts, Greg seen for a full minute, then not anymore in the entire hour long episode. Pure &%$#...
  11. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    It is quite simple, man/man is not really what a show especially a crime drama would be willing to risk. We all know some one person working in law enforcement would get upset and start whining. >_> Or something. Or maybe it is because they are kill joys :mad:
  12. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    I mean, come on, who wouldn't be in a bad mood after being bitten by a psycho Xena princess wannabe? I assure you, Greg is not losing it, he is just a little...frustrated. Oh oh! I found another perfect Nick and Greg song! It's called "To Know The Unknown" from the Pokemon 3 The Movie...
  13. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    See, if I were to make a season 8 wishlist, if they wanted to air it on tv at all, they would need to try HBO...but I would force them to stop Sara from speaking to our boys, she flirts, I get nervous, but then I remember GSR-Keeping Sara away from Nick and Greg forever *evil laugh* Oh Twins...
  14. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    Hey, random question here, but what is the TGTBTD you were talking about, Twins? See, if I was in Greg's shoes when being bitten, I most likely woulda bit her back >_>. And most likely get fired... I am almost halfway done my video for "Eyes on Me" :D
  15. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    I am just glad Warrick is married, so he poses no threat...the episode last night made me laugh, just because of the Sara comment to Nick and Greg laughing hysterically and then just stopping with "No" abruptly. My boyfriend does that too, only not as well. However, Kassie, I know how you feel...
  16. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    *appears* I think getting on the TPTB bad side can be a very bad thing...I trust you all have heard about CSI Miami?
  17. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    Wait, TPTB would never try to kill of the love! If they did, I would send my minion penguins to deal with them! :devil: Besides, they can't kill what according to some obnoxious fans insist (like the fans of another pairing, which we will not mention) is nonexistant. But, I think we shouldn't...
  18. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    Ohhhh, pretty pictures! <3 My vid is now using the song "Eyes On Me" From The Final Fantasy 8 Soundtrack, you guys gotta read the lyrics, it screams out there subtext in some parts. Here is the link for the lyrics:Eyes On Me I'm going by what you guys think of this to continue the vid. BTW, my...
  19. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    All this video talk has inspired me to make my own vid, it is in the works now, it is to the song, "I Saw Your Dream" from Sailor Moon, it is Japanese though >_>
  20. nickfangirl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

    I used to be against AUs, but I read a few and like em better. I like to read anything, as long as it has cuteness and comedy . Don't Fence Me In, I just got done reading that for the fourth time XD, Mark (Nick bro in law) wasn't a preacher or minister, he was just a jerk, Nick does hit him...