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  1. H

    The Official Bobby Dawson/Gerald McCullouch

    grendle... best dog name in the world ever!
  2. H

    The Full Wallace/Hodges Experience #2

    ah mince... i want to hear hodges call warrick partner! stupid uk being so stupidly behind... *kicks channel five incase it'll make them hurry*
  3. H

    The Full Wallace/Hodges Experience #2

    yes, something bigger... but i was generalising... :)
  4. H

    What's your brain sex?

    apparently i'm smack bang in the middle... my brain is androdenus... and yeah... the faces was like 'do i have to choose one? :('
  5. H

    Icon Challenge- CSI's Reading.

    9 24 35 (even though it makes me sad :( )
  6. H

    Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!!!!!

    Re: Eric/Greg picture thread 2--Because this guy's too hot!! wow... but i feel slightly weird about drooling over pics with him all bruised... i am such a sucker for big brown eyes...
  7. H

    The Full Wallace/Hodges Experience #2

    i was watching 'dead ringer' the other night... and the la guys got me thinking... david left la because they said he had an attitude problem, they said he felt he was entitled. now in DR we had an introduction to la law enforcers (in csi-verse at least), they, frankly, wheren't very nice and a...
  8. H

    The Official Bobby Dawson/Gerald McCullouch

    in order to bump the bobby-ness to where it should be, i'll say that the episode with bobby, sara and sara's friends bullet is 'one hit wonder' from season 3.
  9. H

    Eric Szmanda -91st in CosmoGirls 101 Hot Guys

    now... that is a goooood picture. (so good it made me do my pet hate of excess vowels lol)
  10. H

    The Full Wallace/Hodges Experience #2

    well... he wouldn't need to be embarressed... he teases archie for being a trekkie, whilst being a fan of star wars. this is acceptable in most geek circles... the first question to be asked is often 'star wars or star trek?'.
  11. H

    CSI Match Game Season 3: The BLANKS never lie!!!!

    A alligator shape lilo B a diamond ring
  12. H

    Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

    that second profile pic rocks... :) modelling? no, i think our david is far too sensible for that career.
  13. H

    The Official Bobby Dawson/Gerald McCullouch

    another great wallpaper there. :) my dad got a bit worried when he switched on the desktop to see lots of little bobbies looking up at him... :D i read somewhere that bobby was from kentucky and gerald was from georgia... sorry i can't remember where i read it though, it was a web trawl in the...
  14. H

    CSI Match Game Season 3: The BLANKS never lie!!!!

    A the great gonzo B i have no idea... what they said *poinrts to above posts*
  15. H

    Shrine of Archie-goodness

    yay... good, i like to hear of mucho archie... even if it is way in the future for me.. *sulks a little*
  16. H

    The Official Bobby Dawson/Gerald McCullouch

    YES! *ahem* sorry for the shouting... but i'm just over the moon that there is a bobby thread... i adore bobby! i love his accent, i love his gun-geekiness (seriously, show him an interesting/rare gun watch his eyes light up like 12 xmases at once :) )... my favourite bobby moments include...
  17. H

    CSI Match Game Season 3: The BLANKS never lie!!!!

    A the fetal pig... in a thong!
  18. H

    The Full Wallace/Hodges Experience #2

    thank you. :) not bad considering my lack of skill... umm... i did an image search on google... although when i can get an avatar (in about 5 years or so *ahem*), i have plans... and will screen grab the nessecary from dvds. :) (edit: i used to be a mod on two website... and i was a snarkie...
  19. H

    The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

    i would like some help please, does anyone know which episode it is that a gun shoots it's self before bobby can test fire it? it's near the start, just after the 'who who'. cheers