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  1. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    I totally couldn't watch the episode but I already saw the veil scene and so why put myself through a whole hour of HoCaine? I'll watch next week for Calleigh, but will have to skip the Ho parts. I'm glad they cut the final scene with Eric and Lexa. I'll be surprised if she's back. Biracial...
  2. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    I'm glad it's not a daydream. It makes it real, and I'm tired of people implying the whole E/C thing is a product of Eric's imagination because of the bullet. Like a freaking bullet in the head can make you fall in love with someone. Give me a break.
  3. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    I'm guessing Emily didn't say anything interesting in the interviews? And if she did, why aren't we talking about it for the benefit of the people who can't see videos (moi)?
  4. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    Calleigh's bumper sticker should read "I save on gas by riding a Cuban."
  5. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    I don't know if it's a daydream. The promo department turns clips into black and white all the time just for their promos. I'm leaning towards them re-creating the scene but I'm not putting any money on it. I wish they'd show us any one of them (preferably Calleigh) daydreaming about the wedding...
  6. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    Re: All in a day! Um, hi everyone.
  7. midnight_tiptoes

    CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own Risk!

    I don't think it's a hallucination, more like wishful thinking on his part. He is in love with her after all, and she's walking down the aisle towards him. It's natural that he (or she) would let his mind go there. People without bullets in their brains daydream too, you know. Hell, I'm...
  8. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    CBS promo department. I really wanna meet those guys. The LSD must run rampant in that editing room like sweet glory.
  9. midnight_tiptoes

    CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own Risk!

    Calleigh doesn't die, the woman who gets shot is the actual bride in the episode. As for the Eric/Calleigh wedding, I think they're recreating/processing the scene and suddenly have one of their moments.
  10. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    Freud would have a field day with these two. I love where his right hand is positioned here: Wow, dude, wait till you get home.
  11. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    To be fair here's Eric staring at Calleigh's ass.
  12. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    There was a suspect in the room, but I'm sure that would've been just small potatoes. I mean, look at that ass. Seriously.
  13. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    Oh wow, this is weird. It might take a while to get used to. As for the drooling, here ya go: She beat you to it.
  14. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    I was in the Miami lot today and ran into this guy: The HoMmer! But it wasn't a-rocking.
  15. midnight_tiptoes

    Emily Procter

    Oh snap, Jake. Last night I caught an episode of Lost for the first time in eons and there's a love triangle there, too, that's done atrocities to the character of Kate. I don't remember disliking her as much as I disliked her last night watching her manipulate both Jack and Sawyer because...
  16. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    Aww, I love that interview. I also love the part where Emily says that Calleigh is with Jake because she has bad taste in men :lol: AWESOME. Yes, she has romantic feelings for him. Booya. Just booya. I love that part. It's not the first time she's said that Eric is Cal's soulmate. DANCE...