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  1. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    [*spoiler=whatever it's about] spoiler [*/spoiler] Remove the *s. Or post it in the spoiler thread.
  2. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    I can't believe Ausiello finally answered a question. Pity it's something we already know. But if we week e-mailing him he'll get more scoop for sure. The Danny/Lindsay fans e-mail him like every 2 minutes and he's always getting them new spoilers.
  3. midnight_tiptoes

    NY Forum Trip to Los Angeles: Year Two!

    Whoever took my virginity -- thanks.
  4. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    Oooh, we get Russian Eric. Awesome. Something very reassuring about a man who can say "take off your panties" in 3 different languages.
  5. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    I guess the kiss was more tender than romantic, and the Eric scene was more hot than romantic. Whereas All In I see as romantic because it was an expression of Eric's feelings, and Calleigh's willingness to open up to him. I mean, they went home together. I'd call that the shippiest moment so...
  6. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    I think the end of All In sticks out the most for me. That one or the kiss from... whatever the hell episode. Best Horatio one liner? God, not so soon after lunch.
  7. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    That's awesome news, mi tocaya! We heart Corey Miller and it's great to get confirmation. Now they just need to explore some nudity ;)
  8. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    See, I started watching the show when she was with Hagen, and there's a scene in The Best Defense where I thought there was some ickle of jealousy on Eric's part. But then that was the first scene I ever saw and I was channel surfing and had no shipping inclinations whatsoever. I thought it was...
  9. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    Welcome Hollyyo.
  10. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    SG can get away with it cause it's on cable. CBS wouldn't allow it cause the FCC sucks. Although, they show a fair amount of skin on Grey's Anatomy and that's ABC --> Disney. If freaking Disney lets them get away with it, why not CBS? Eric coming out of the shower... hommina.
  11. midnight_tiptoes

    Season 7 **Spoiler Lab** - Gimme More, Gimme Gimme More!

    my friend told me that you can't get pregnant if u hav secks on a full moon. lol I'm gonna hav the sex w my bf tonight its a full moon guys like totally am i gonna get pregante? omg that wud suck totes! I asked my frnd were she red that and she was like dunno lol
  12. midnight_tiptoes

    Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

    I remember the episode where he was asking where she was. It was really cute. You know what I'd love to see? Jealous Ryan. No doubt he'd be an obnoxious little shit, but it would be amusing to watch.
  13. midnight_tiptoes

    Adam #8: At The Tone, The Delko Time Is: 5 Minutes Past Hot

    Adam grabbed an Alma nomination for Best Actor in a Drama Series.
  14. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    Oh, cool, thanks. I'm surprised they still have his address up at tv guide (or did I pull that out of my ass? Quite possibly).
  15. midnight_tiptoes

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    The last picture is pretty, but the rest are unflattering. as. hell. Did she insult the photographer's mom?
  16. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    I don't suppose it would happen right smack in the middle of a crippling orgasm, huh? Damn you, CBS. Damn you and your puritan ways.
  17. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    I could also see it slipping out in the middle of a heated argument. Then Eric would get this goofy grin and Calleigh would get even more pissed. Whenever you want. Ausiello: Kristen: Questionaire Just ask them about any CSI: Miami scoop regarding E/C.
  18. midnight_tiptoes

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #30: "Do it for us"

    I think it would be kinda quiet, too. I don't know if we'll get the first I love you on screen, but it would be nice to get it at least once. I don't think I'd worry about the writers dropping the storyline. E/C have gotten quite a bit of press without the PTB trying to push it. ET and all the...