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    Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

    Hon, I live two blocks from you down at Gutterville. :D Took the words right out of my mouth. :lol:
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    Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

    ^ :lol: All I can say is: the dogs in the painting only had the cards in their hands, tobacco in their mouth, and the hats on their heads. :D If life is to imitate art... :devil: :devil:
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    Favorite and Least Favorite Episodes of Season 2?

    ^ Very good point, MBGrissom! Like what Lex Luthor said in Superman 2, "Every man has a vulnerable point". Though we'd hate to see something nasty happen to a strong personality like Stella, she still has her vulnerability. And though this ploy is the franchise's way to rake in the ratings, we...
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    Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

    ^ There ya go! :D I mean, he can grow his hair back. And if the time comes that he has to *choke* make himself ugly for that coveted role, we can always squint and imagine his Flack days if he comes on screen... :D
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    Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

    ^ But, question is guys, if bald and moustached is what it takes for him to bolster his career, do you think we'd all be there for him? I'm not sure that I'll like it, but I'd like to think I'll be behind him.
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    Eddie Picture Thread #2: Blue Lasers of Hotness!!

    ^ Absolutely not! Specially when you haven't had your caffeine and 2 hours have passed, and you haven't had any work to do. ... oh wait. That's me. :D
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    CSI:NY season 2 comes to the Philippines

    ^ Nah, just kidding about the 'research bit'. :lol: More like research on how the characters interact for prospective fanfics. But any help on Flackerism is always welcome! :D I never realized that NY wouldn't follow a linear timeline. They might or might be. But yes, you raised a good point...
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    Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

    ^ Been looking for Miracle here! :( Would wanna see it. Hope folks in RP can help me... I gotta admit, I had to be nagged to watching NY by my sister just to see this "hot guy", :lol: because I get bored easily if the series isn't worth watching in the first place. Eddie eased me in real easy...
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    The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

    ^ Gonna make it a point to watch "On the Job" again! Anyway, if we are to make the assumption that Flack has been consistently loyal, he might not have said what Danny wanted to hear because he could be trying to stay true to himself, and not want to make empty promises or something. What if...
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    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Diamond bra 7 Swordfish 29 Steering wheel lock turned shotgun 17+1= 18 Live octopus 40-1= 39 Wedding dress 16
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    Crazy Caption Contest

    LINDSAY: You canNOT believe what Danny did, guys! He was like, yadda yadda... MAC (thinking): All the best, high-end equipment in the world, and the damn crime lab doesn't have a supply of duct tape! (chalk it up to sleep deprivation and temporary psychosis T____T)
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    CSI:NY season 2 comes to the Philippines

    *putting on anti-riot gear* Well, the archery scene didn't do it for me. Maybe cause I've been spoiled with that scene, how I have this perverse nature of not liking what the general public does. But to me, it felt like she was trying to please daddy or something. But it was nice to see a...
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    Eddie Picture Thread #2: Blue Lasers of Hotness!!

    GARY: If you don't change that dang-awful tie, I'll bitch slap you from here to the moon. :devil:
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    Eddie Picture Thread #2: Blue Lasers of Hotness!!

    ^ You're... welcome. :lol: I guess I've inadvertently contributed some pics there! :p
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    The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

    ^ Well they've got the off season to patch things up between them. And when Flack's all better, he can always wipe the hardcourt with Danny's ass... :devil:
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    Eddie Picture Thread #2: Blue Lasers of Hotness!!

    ^ You talking about the part where he was pointing at someone, or when he was talking to the officer?
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    Eddie Picture Thread #2: Blue Lasers of Hotness!!

    ^ I know what you mean about that sequence being hot. It's like time freezes when he comes up on screen. :D Depending on what you use, I suppose the best way to go is pause when you're close to the frame you want, then hit 'pause' very fast 'til you get there. Primitive, but should work. And I...
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    Eddie Picture Thread #2: Blue Lasers of Hotness!!

    ^ Try pausing frame by frame, if your player can do that. Or try playing it in your PC, if possible.
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    Eddie Picture Thread #2: Blue Lasers of Hotness!!

    Got to see COTP with my sister. You know what she said about that ending scene? She said that if she were in Mac's place, she would have asked Don, "If you can hear me, squeeze me!" :devil: :devil:
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    The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

    They better give us one scene--one Danny-Flack scene--that'll reinforce that friendship, and all(?) would be forgiven.