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  1. T

    Crazy Caption Contest

    MAC: What the he--!! We're trying to make a bonfire here! Do you people mind??? LINDSAY: Who turned on the lights?? DANNY (thinks): All the smores... goooone...
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    Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

    Guh...! I'm only gone overnight/day, and we're up thread#7! :lol: Yeah, one would wish that TPTB would read our thread and get ideas. Heck, who knows? Maybe some of them have accounts here!
  3. T

    The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

    ^ You'd see your new fic up on in the Stories section when you're logged in. Come on! Gimme the link! Gimme the link! :D The twisted goblin that is me says Flack'll ditch him on the side of the road, then come back after five minutes. Then they'd have a yelling match in the middle of the road...
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    Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

    ^ Flack Me?? :lol: Either way, it still applies! And who says we need him to unbutton just a couple? All off, I say! :devil:
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    Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

    ^ He better not be drinking while reading the threads. :lol:
  6. T

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Diamond bra 6 Swordfish 30 Steering wheel lock turned shotgun 18+1= 19 Live octopus 41-1= 40 Wedding dress 15
  7. T

    Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

    ^ Hold his... hand. Right. Suuuuuuuuure. :rolleyes: :p
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    The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

    Yay, Fay! :D *throws confetti* At least, that ffnet account didn't entirely go to waste... I think the story shows up in a couple of hours. Mine did when I incessantly dogged the CSI: NY section to check. :p I promise I won't bite when I review! :D Oh and the signature campaign? *fumbles...
  9. T

    The Soundbox--Speculations and Whatnots

    Yessss!! *pumps fist* Faylinn shall write! Doesn't matter if it's shot full of fluff or of potty-mouthed detectives. So long as it entertains, we're all there! :D Gonna look forward to that one! :D screamingpoet: Sorry I'm not sympathetic, but that's never happened to me, so forgive me if I...
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    Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

    *whines* Please, please, please, please, don't make me jealous and pop that S1 disc when I get home! Me needs sleeeeeep... ( ;) ) Get in line folks! After me, that is. :p
  11. T

    CSI:NY season 2 comes to the Philippines

    I get the same vibe. It might not have supposed to come off that way, because the delivery lacked conviction. It came off sounding like she is still trying to get accepted in the group or something. I'll watch it again, if not for her sake, then that Flack-Stella scene! :devil:
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    Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

    ^ LOL! Let's start a Gutterville block par-teh!! :D
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    Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

    Don't suffocate teh hotness, Fay! Lots of bosoms still await snuggling! :devil: I know! :lol: I'm just running with the ideas now cause I'm sleepy, and I've just almost blown off work! Don't you know I LIVE in this forum? :lol: And the church with dead monks thing. :p I haven't really seen...
  14. T

    The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

    ^ Like I said in the other thread, Fay, DO IT! Don't be afraid of crit. You're sure to handle that. :D Flack would be oh-so tempted to swipe poke his glasses off and poke him in the eyes! :lol: Why don't we start a signature campaign for hot sweaty and shirtless guys playing ball? :devil:
  15. T

    The Soundbox--Speculations and Whatnots

    Outside influence is possible. Hmight have lost interest in policework along the way, at some point. Or that he may have found being a detective would veer him away from his dad's reputation somewhat. Like you mentioned earlier, Flack Sr. might be thinking he knows his son that well (he's his...
  16. T

    The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

    ROTFLMFAO! That's it!! Make a fanfic out of it then come back and kill us with it! :lol:
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    Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

    Well, that's what I got from that episode with the church with dead monks. That's what the Behind Blue Eyes site mentioned under the ep "Til Death Do We Part".
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    Flack #5 - Slam Me Up Against The Wall...and Frisk Me

    Do they HAVE TO be in a wife beater? I'd prefer shirtless! :devil: It's frightening, it's giving me goosybumps! :D Them two in a panic room? Heheh, the room will literally implode! And Don was alleged to be superstitious, right? How does he feel about spending the night with a corpse?
  19. T

    The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

    *ROFL*! Priceless scene, Fay! Danny sounds like a whiny, backseat driver-wife! Like, he's sitting at the back, poking at Don! *LMAO* And if Flack did get to drive, I'm sure Danny did take the backseat. For his safety. :D
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    The Soundbox--Speculations and Whatnots

    Oh, I'm seeing Mac's poker face crack a bit when he learns who did it. :lol: (MAC: Don did WHAT??) Well, let us know if you ever hunt down that fic! Oooooh, I like your way of thinking! Very subtle, and very possible, indeed. Yeah, I'd agree that he could have been tempted to choose out of a...