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  1. J

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    Well, from what was reported WP was earlier this year[?] feeling very weak and dizzy on set, hence the visit to his doctor. Now all that was said was he was having arrythmia -irregular heartbeat- this can be cared for by monitoring one's habits. Like WP had to give up smoking and the like to...
  2. J

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    I just was wondering if love of rollercoasters was something the writers came up with or was it Billy's idea to mix a bit of his personality into Grissom's. That would be the only way I'd get on one as long as I could hug on Billy throughout the ride! :devil:
  3. J

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    May I ask a couple of questions of the WPAP? First question: What is Billy's 'natural' hair color?, I read where he complained about having to darken his hair for CSI, because he was told 'it would look better on film'. Billy said afterwards he noticed some very obvious scenes where his hair...
  4. J

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    Although I'd love to see Billy stay with CSI, it is ultimately his choice to do what he feels is best for his family and career. I'll miss him on the show terribly, but again he's got other concerns in his life, not the least of which is his wife Gina, the very real possiblity of their having...
  5. J

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    So much masculine beauty in just one man it's almost not fair to other guys! :lol: But I have to say although Billy looks great now, I love the way he looked in both 'Manhunter' and 'Hard Promises'. The way his hair is naturally so thick and curled, almost makes a girl with straight hair...
  6. J

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    I pick both too! Plus you throw in those beautiful curls you just want to run your fingers through for, oh say a week or two? Better still, have him resting with his head on your lap while sipping Dom Peringon and feasting on chocolate-dipped strawberries! Howzat for a good time?
  7. J

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    Yeah all true and great choices you made there too! ;) But, I have'nt seen him give a bad performance in any of his films, even if some were beneath his superior talent he always gives 100% to his work and it shows.
  8. J

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    I should have said: What would we want Billy to do as an actor? I guess I should have also added that in our fantasy mind not real life; what would we want Billy to do in his career. I genuinely want him to happy in all his present and future choices. I'm just a little bummed about his...
  9. J

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    You know what stinks, though? TV Guide has for seperate issues each with a different 'hottest guy on TV' on the cover and Billy isn't on a single one!! I cry Foul and Unfair! :mad: Who need this year's crop of himbos, when you've got a real man like Billy Petersen around? :devil:
  10. J

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    No problem at all! Anything to spread the word about Sweet William. ;) can be customized to your viewing area. Yahoo has a TV listings page too, can't say if it's any good. But by all means, go to and search for Billy they have interviews and video to die for!