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  1. Karlia

    Quotes You Wanna But Probably Will Never Hear On CSI: NY.

    :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: I think I am going to pass out from laughing.
  2. Karlia

    Mac #7--Once a Marine, Always a Marine

    You people HAVE to torture me with those pics.Don't you?:devil::devil::drool: Man, that's too Mactastic picture:eek:
  3. Karlia

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    The Christmas Carol Wonderful! Fantastic movie. A mother figured i's an animated so why not to take 5-year old with her. Uhm...think again. Not really material for 5 year old unless you want to cause nightmares.Otherwise brilliant animation and soundtrack.
  4. Karlia

    Do you believe in God?

    I don't believe in God but I don't judge those who do . To each his own. :) My best friend is religious and when I lived with her I always provided her time to say her prayers at night.
  5. Karlia

    Mac #7--Once a Marine, Always a Marine

    By all means I would take whole episode of shirtless Mac :drool::drool: I have a new mantra to distract me from thinking of my new to-be kitten. Mac's abs, Mac's abs, Mac's abs, Mac's abs always works in every situation. He sure has Mactastic abs. :thumbsup::eek:
  6. Karlia

    The Official Pet Thread pt2

    Kitten saga continues. Update: Blue is gone. Now using another shelter. Maybe I will get lucky! They actually deliver the cats which is good.
  7. Karlia

    Mac #7--Once a Marine, Always a Marine

    Mactastic pictures my dears! :drool::drool: Was wondering last night that they have to give us shower scene. Can you imagine that? In the shower....water dripping down his perfect abs :eek::eek::eek::devil:
  8. Karlia

    The Smacked Soundtrack Thread #2

    Re: The Smacked Sountrack Thread #2 Okay this song reflects the emotions Mac has towards two women he loves, one was Claire, other is Stella and how he's torn between them ,trying to do the right thing. Even though Claire is gone I do believe he carries her in his heart. Song: Man of two...
  9. Karlia

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Don't we all? :guffaw: As someone above mentioned fighting and I do believe Mac is as stubborn as Stella and that would cause some hot fights which end with hot make-up smex.....eeeeeeeeeck got carried away....what was my name again? :wtf::eek::wtf:
  10. Karlia

    The Official Pet Thread pt2

    I'm so sorry! It's always so hard to loose your loved one. My thoughts are with you and your family! :( ETA: The red one is def in my main focus right now, however, I got offered a little Russian blue girl. I have kind of dilemma now. But the shelter lady who was supposed to get back to me...
  11. Karlia

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    I am considering to wallpaper my room with that pic! :eek::eek::drool: But that would be too normal for me! :guffaw::guffaw:
  12. Karlia

    The Smacked Soundtrack Thread #2

    Re: The Smacked Sountrack Thread #2 Song:All Roads Lead To Home Artist: Golden State A million tears A million codes 1:15 No way to go You point your finger To the moon It looks like rain Coming soon I figured all My worst fears Believe in childlike heroes But I...
  13. Karlia

    The Official Pet Thread pt2

    the long haired tabby was snagged from me this morning. :( However now I have long haired red kitten reserved.
  14. Karlia

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    My best friend keeps telling me that and I start to believe I interpreted it wrong. Or perhaps it was meant to be interpreted wrong. 6.10 looks very very promising, but I am afraid to get my hopes up now. And I still keep having those SMacked dreams in my feverish delirium.
  15. Karlia

    The Smacked Soundtrack Thread #2

    Re: The Smacked Sountrack Thread #2 A song which always reminds me of SMacked and that they should have motorcycle getaway. Song: Sing Your Heart Out Artist : The Trews Leave the ghosts that are holding you back, bury them in a paper bag, put them down in an unmarked grave...
  16. Karlia

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    almost 21 :guffaw: But as my defense I have to say I had extremely high fever and therefore I wasn't in complete control of my actions after sleeping for 2 hours the nigh before. So that episode kind of was the last drop from me. On another note, last night which was better than the night...
  17. Karlia

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Okay I have somewhat cooled down , mostly thanks to my best friend who is probably the only person in the world who can calm me down in my hysteric states and she also is a SMacked shipper. We decided this scene never happened. We are going to ignore it and live in our happy bubble that...
  18. Karlia

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    Okay telling ya in Spoiler tags I am still all worked up and it's not helping my health right now!
  19. Karlia

    Grade "Manhattanhenge"

    Dear writers! Could you burn your scripts because that was TERRIBLE in every meaning of the word. Even I can do better! I am so disappointed I am literally crying. Thanks for ruining my week. Have a nice day! :brickwall::brickwall::censored: F
  20. Karlia

    Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

    WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So angry right now I am literally crying! I am sick , I don't need this crap right now. I was so hoping for some Smacked and then this. For Goodness sakes! :scream::scream::scream::scream: So disappointed! Seriously...