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  1. K

    Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

    Poor Flack--reduced to being an afterthought in the episode spoilers/promotion blurbs.
  2. K

    Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

    Me, too! Which is why I'm pinning my hopes on getting some long overdue Flack development next season or else I'll be checking out what's on other channels at that time. I do like the entire cast overall but it's boring to see the same characters getting story lines and development while Flack's...
  3. K

    Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

    I don't think they figure in anywhere--Flack sure doesn't appear to be a part of anything this season. It's been nice to see Hawkes has finally gotten some great stuff, though. With half the season over, I wonder what's in store for the second half? I expect more Lindsay backstory, undoubtedly...
  4. K

    Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

    I haven't heard of any Flack-centered episodes. Was "Consequences" a Flack ep? If it's the ep I'm thinking of, I didn't think it was Flack-centric. This season seems to be focusing mostly on Hawkes and now Lindsay. Maybe Flack will get something again (he had S1's "The Fall") in the next year or so?
  5. K

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

    Do you think Nick and Warrick will each get a story line this season? Greg finally got something spaced out across 2 episodes, although that appears to be over and done with now. Sara hasn't really had anything, either, except for the few GSR scenes here and there, so I wonder what the rest of...
  6. K

    Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

    I used to hope this would happen but now I'd rather not see Flack Sr, or any other Flacks for that matter. TPTB have done little to develop or promote the Flack character and personally, I believe that's because they don't know what to do with him. I worry that any attempts on their part to do...
  7. K

    Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

    I think the season finale bombing was really just a bad dream and nothing bad ever happened to Flack. That's why there are no repercussions or follow up/continuity. I've given up on any kind of character growth or development for Flack--he brings the pretty and the funny, and that's all he's...
  8. K

    Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

    I didn't see anything happening for Flack (and haven't in any of the eps since he got blown up in last season's finale--and that never went anywhere continuity-wise). He does seem to have more screen time than he had last season, which is great, but nothing that gives us much insight into his...
  9. K

    Grade 'Consequences'

    I gave the ep an A-. It was pretty good and I loved the Mac-Flack interaction (actually, I like anything that has Flack in it), but it was not a Flack-centric episode (as someone upthread stated)--the story didn't focus on him. I'm disappointed that we still haven't learned anything new about...
  10. K

    Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

    This is definitely shaping up to be a Hawkes season! I'm glad he's getting more recognition, but why can't the writers recognize all of the characters instead of developing only one at a time? I always liked Danny until the show was "Danny all the time" and my love for the character diminished...
  11. K

    Grade 'Murder Sings the Blues'

    I gave it a B-. The cases were interesting enough but like others have said, the emphasis on rich, white, beautiful people in unusual circumstances is not the epitome of NYC and it's getting to be too routine. Nice to see some more Hawkes development--guess the writers are making up for ignoring...
  12. K

    Grade 'Open and Shut'

    I gave it a B-. It was okay but nothing special. Was nice that Stella got some continuity--at least the writers know to do it for some of the characters. Although there was lots of Flack, there's nothing new to say about him--he's still cute, still snarky, still capable and tenacious, still...
  13. K

    Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

    Hooray--Hawkes is finally getting some development! Glad to see he's getting a chance to shine. And Flack gets a scene, too? There's hope that in another season or two he'll actually get some development and a real story line as well!
  14. K

    Grade 'Oedipus Hex'

    I wish the writers would SHOW us Flack working with the YMCA kids, rather than have them TELL us through a throwaway line. That's what bugs me about how the writers treat Flack. Had it been Danny (instead of Flack), we would have seen him (or a flashback) interacting with the Y kids. All we got...
  15. K

    Grade 'Oedipus Hex'

    I gave the ep a C. The cases didn't hold my interest. The characters were their usual, nothing specific. Not much Flack and what little there was still hasn't shown any character growth or development.
  16. K

    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    The only thing that bugs me about the Flack-centric ep is that it's basically the same type of plot as the Flack-centric ep in S1 (fellow cop he likes/trusted gets in trouble; Flack has to choose to do the right thing...). I'd like to see Flack get a story line that gives some real insight into...
  17. K

    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    The Hawkes ep sounds great, but even now it sounds like it's going to be more about Danny's scenes. I hope we learn a lot more about Hawkes--next to Flack, he's been the least developed of the main characters. Still not psyched about any upcoming Danny-Flack scenes, but hopefully Flack might get...
  18. K

    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    I hope we don't get any more Danny working with Flack scenes. The S2 finale really soured me on Danny, and especially on what I thought had been a good, close friendship. If the writers try to write the friendship again, I won't be buying into it. But I suppose some time during the season...
  19. K

    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    I'm glad to hear Hawkes is finally going to get an episode, but I hate that he confides to Danny. Not that I don't like Danny--I'm glad Hawkes and Danny get to work together more and are apparently friends, but why is Danny the only person who gets a major piece of everything? I'd be more...
  20. K

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    No, Nick was in both episodes; however, he hasn't had a real story line in a long time. But I understand how you feel--I've been waiting since Greg was made a main character for him to get a meaty story line. Now that spoilers indicate he will get a story, I'm worried that it's going to be...