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  1. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    Story line? No, a story line would be where we would see the shooting, the circumstances concerning it, and the aftermath of Flack dealing with it. This sounds like a comment made between Flack and Hawkes during the main story line (the hostage situation; the raid at the lab). Flack certainly...
  2. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    Perhaps the finale will be a double-owie fest--Danny and Mac.
  3. K

    Grade 'Past Imperfect'

    No grade since I didn't watch. Sounds like it was pretty much the same as always, except more Danny than we've seen lately and not so much Lindsay. I used to be so excited about CSI:NY and eagerly looked forward to Wednesday nights.
  4. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    I don't know all of the references because I'm not a huge Gary Sinise fan. But there was the ep where he played guitar in a band similar to his "Lt Dan Band".
  5. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    I'm sure they'll fit something in regarding their connection in "Forrest Gump"--haven't they done a few other things in homage to Gary Sinise's previous roles? I wonder if they'll do something from "Apollo Thirteen"? (or have they and I missed it?)
  6. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    Yes, I know they are (except on the original show). What I meant was that since this show is about the CSIs, there aren't many story lines they could write specifically for Flack, since he's only the homicide cop. But chasing down the perps is something he does do (and we've even seen him do...
  7. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    Thanks, but I'll leave it to all the Mac fans out there--more for them to enjoy! I've waited since "The Fall" in S1 for another Flack story but to no avail, and I'm losing hope.
  8. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    Yes it will be a huge deal, especially since it's Mac. What ticks me off is that this is exactly the sort of story that it sounds like it would have been perfect for a Flack story line (after all, this show is about the CSIs, not the cop that regularly works with them)--a cop chasing the perp...
  9. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    But there was mention of his parents (or maybe it was a sister?) being notified although we didn't see any family members onscreen. Let's hope so! I so wanted something for Flack and was sorely disappointed that we never got it. I think Danny has a better chance of getting some continuity out...
  10. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    Yes, with Brass. They contacted his hooker daughter in LA. And when Nick had his buried alive ordeal, his parents were notified (and we even saw them briefly). But like Flack, Delko over on CSI:Miami is often treated more like a supporting character, but at least they mentioned his parents and...
  11. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    I never expected Flack to be a wreck, because as you pointed out, he is a lot stronger emotionally than Danny. However, some indication that he'd undergone a serious trauma would have been nice. What we got was nothing except a line that he was back to work but still had some physical therapy to...
  12. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    Since it's Danny, I doubt it would go down like that; besides, that's all we got with Flack's "big moment" in the S2 finale. Would that do the same basic thing in the next finale? No, especially since Danny's a main character (whereas Flack, although listed in the opening credits, is just a...
  13. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    No, I don't think there's the remotest possibility of that happening unless one of them was planning on leaving the series (ie, remember what happened with Aiden?). There have been no rumors or even slight hints that anyone wants to leave the show, so again--I'd have to say there's no way either...
  14. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    I hope, too, that the writers don't drop the ball on the Danny injury continuity. Since there was no Flack reaction to his "ordeal" following the S2 finale; I wouldn't buy into any kind of reaction from him after all this time has passed. But it'd be so like Flack to hang in there to be Danny's...
  15. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    My worry is that by the time the episode airs, the changes and rewrites, etc will leave Flack's role less hefty than early spoilers indicate. As for his screen time, for me quantity is not as good as quantity--much as I love the character, I feel he's become stagnant from no character growth...
  16. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    That's always a possibility! As the star and primary main character, Mac should be seen working with each and every one of his CSIs. Perhaps you'll see this next season, especially if Danny's having a rough time of it following the events of the finale.
  17. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    I'm glad to hear Flack gets more to do in the finale, but I'm still reserving judgement on this one. Again it's the same one-way (at least onscreen) Flack concern for Danny that we've seen several times already. I'd have to re-watch last season's finale to be sure, but I thought Danny was more...
  18. K

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    Let me guess...Flack arrives on seen, gives Mac/Stella/Hawkes a brief run down of the situation--just long enough for the viewers to take stock of his fugly tie--then makes with a snarky one-liner before disappearing for the rest of the episode. I'm so tired of this formula.... With all Adam's...
  19. K

    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    Since Gary Sinise is the main star of the show, I think the finale will focus on him again. Could possibly include Danny and/or Lindsay. But I have my doubts about Flack having a large participation since he's not one of the CSIs.
  20. K

    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    Since the crossovers rarely, if ever, include my particular favorite characters, I doubt I'll watch, whether it's Cold Case or CSI Las Vegas.