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  1. H

    Name the Episode

    'Lost son'
  2. H

    HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

    Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand :eek: oh, he said that line? in that episode?? it's cool how did i forget it :D .. thanks for reminding me :cool: DaWacko YEAH It's all about THE COAT ;)
  3. H

    Character Return Game

    Timothy 'Speed' Speedle 38 - 1 = 37 Det. Yelina Salas 76 + 1 = 77 Tyler Jenson 20 Officer Aaron Jessop 33 Madison Keaton 3
  4. H

    CSI: New York Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

    Thank you Willows :D I like your avator :)
  5. H

    CSI: Miami Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

    Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests Nice Cal icons :D I like them a lot !
  6. H

    "Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

    Aww Nice article :) I feel that Eric and his 'Greg' charactor are the same !!! :D I read that article and I felt like reading about CSI Greggo lol ... :p never mind
  7. H

    HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

    Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand You're all welcome :) sure 'MIA/NYC Nonstop' is very special episode: 1- Horatio in white shirt. 2- Horatio meets CSI: NY charactors!! :D 3- Horatio made his promise to the girl. lol ... I think when Horatio goes to NYC he always try...
  8. H

    Name the Episode

    maybe it's 'Pro Per'
  9. H

    Character Return Game

    Timothy 'Speed' Speedle 38 -1 = 37 Det. Yelina Salas 73 + 1 = 74 Tyler Jenson 20 Officer Aaron Jessop 32 Madison Keaton 6
  10. H

    HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

    Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand You're very welcome Lucy! of course I know that !! we all love Horatio in white :D
  11. H

    Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

    Great pic Collection calleighspeedle :D
  12. H

    you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

    Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2 ^^ that happened to me yesterday!! there was a fingerprint on my brother's car window .. he asked me why are these prints over there? i just washed my car! .. I told him why don't you call a CSI to check these prints before yelling at my face! :) lol
  13. H

    Character Return Game

    Timothy 'Speed' Speedle 33 Det. Yelina Salas 73 + 1 = 74 Tyler Jenson 24 Officer Aaron Jessop 31 - 1 = 30 Madison Keaton 9
  14. H

    CSI: New York Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

    Nice icons everyone :) I made these 3 lol
  15. H

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    yeah yeah .. good one !! :D :cool: Last Night I watched '15 minutes' Movie lol .. I forgot :rolleyes: I was waiting for Mac and Danny to show up! :p
  16. H

    Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

    Great pics " feenx " ..thanks for posting! Carmine looks so cute in the last pic with Adam :)
  17. H

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    Country Girl Rocks the Big Apple it's cool :D
  18. H

    Character Return Game

    Timothy 'Speed' Speedle 33 Det. Yelina Salas 71 + 1 = 72 Tyler Jenson 26 - 1 = 25 Officer Aaron Jessop 31 Madison Keaton 9
  19. H

    HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

    Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Posting some pics from 'MIA/NYC Nonstop' :D Saint H is here look at me!!! am I good in these shades, or what? H in white Charming ..
  20. H

    Character Return Game

    Timothy 'Speed' Speedle 34 - 1 = 33 Det. Yelina Salas 70 + 1 = 71 :) Tyler Jenson 26 Officer Aaron Jessop 31 Madison Keaton 9