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  1. L

    HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

    Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand i realise the white dress Marisol wore on her wedding day with H and i suppose it is passed on to Yelina now? I was kinda shocked when i saw the pic' when Yelina was talking to H in the white lovely dress that i wanna get it next...
  2. L

    HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

    Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Did you know that if i didn't visit this website i won't... 1)... admire DC as much as i do now compare to last time . SERIOUSLY!! 2)...think that people liked DC's acting. But now, i do realise that ppl actually LOVE and...
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    HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

    Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand hey the wacko the pic titled I'm so not comin out...i must say that Horatio looks REALLY!!!!good in that pose but the pic from LTKitty titled get ur smelly hands off him, which episode is that from? Horatio looks so cool pulling him...
  4. L

    ~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

    oo tq for the reminder
  5. L

    ~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

    hey horatio_love i don't find it offensive if u'd put the picture there And in fact that pic is SO CUTE!!!!! with DC carrying the lil' fella!!haha I don't mind if you post more these type of pic's hehe
  6. L

    CSI:Miami S4 in Asia

    i must say that last night was one of the most boring episodes ever!! (season4 episode 3) The only exciting part when Rick approached H n tell him aobut his NY past. Coz he couldn't arrest Jennifer Wilson's murderer n had 2 place an officer 24-7 to look after the Jen.
  7. L

    HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

    Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand what?! no sparkles between Marisol and Horatio in season 4? *sob* Sofia Milos is not appearing even an episode in S4? Can anyone tell me in which episode is Marisol appearing in S4?
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    ~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

    nice pic there!!... *edited due to content*
  9. L

    HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

    Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand oo TQ... anyone could recall whether there are any romantic/smooching/getting together/smooching/making out/Horatio getting really into Marisol/ scene? Telling the name of the episode helps better. Explain how the scene runs pls...TQ!!
  10. L

    HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

    Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Ohh thumpy... since you guys already seen season 4... any smooching scenes between Horatio and Marisol? I wish there are...hehe
  11. L

    HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

    Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand its not fair!! now i'm just watching season 4 here in M'sia!!
  12. L

    ~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

    hey in M'sia right now they are just started showing season 4... can you guys tell me which is the most emotional yet exciting episode of season 4? (e.g Horatio starts smooching with Marisol or smtg like that or Horatio express his love to her) But if u ask me i don't think that Horatio exactly...
  13. L

    HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

    Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand hey guys i saw the official website in CSI Miami and they said premiere Sept 18... are they referring 2 Season 5? OMGOSH!!! Now here in Malaysia they just started airing season 4!!! (2nd episode)
  14. L

    HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

    Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand I hope everyone wouldn't mind me talking aobut DC and can I smtg? News even reported that the original place for shooting CSI: Miami had 2 change to Miami because DC said that he wanted to sleep in his own bed everynight. I'm just...
  15. L

    ~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

    i don't really understand this thing could you explain in detail? I'm sorry i had to double post bcos i dun really understand bout this rule About DC... so he was arrogant during "Blue"... so any news or gossip aobut DC being arrogant or throwing tantrums around the set when CSI FIRST STARTED...
  16. L

    HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

    Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Incase u didn't check the website let me tell u wat they said OUR DC. They said that DC threw tantrums and scolded the cast and crews since CSI MIAMI was a HIT! Would u believe it? But wat happens if its true? Coz this was coming from...
  17. L

    ~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

    ooo but they even say that DC was the same during CSI I hope isn't like that --------------------------------------------------------- OOO so DC was arrogant during the BLUE days...icic thanks tho for the info but do u think that he is when he first started CSI?
  18. L

    ~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

    ooo so it did happened!! but i think like he's already 40 smtg. DUde he's old enough to think!!! I am really dissapointed of him. Coz he is like my idol.
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    HC/DC's Thread #10 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up?

    Re: Horatio's Thread #5 - Will The Real Horatio Please Stand Up? hey Swan swan nice pic there u got.OMGosh is DC hugging Sofia? I want that hug too!!! *blek* But tx 4 telling me not to double psot but how am i supppose to double post if i wanna say smtg?
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    ~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

    hey guys i received news that David Caruso was some arrogant dude when CSI Miami was a hit. i saw it from a kim delaney's website News said that he threw tantrums on set and scolded the cast and crews. Man! If i was Yelina or whoever I sure am gonna be scared!! What do u guys think?