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  1. T

    "Leave Out All the Rest" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Shut up Nick! You're not the boss yet. And it wasn't that long ago that you would kid around at a crime scene with Warrick. So just shut it! I really liked the friendly banter between Greg and Riley. They were sure cute when they were joking around. Hope to see more of it. And on a more...
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    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    I don't think his legs are too thin. I remember seeing them (well, part of them) in a TV Guide story a couple of years ago, and they looked great to me. Those jeans he wears makes him look thinner than he really is, I think.
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    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #6

    He sure is purdy! Thanks for the photos.
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    "Leave Out All the Rest" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Grissom is obviously growing depressed, and not only because of his on-off relationship with Sara, but of course because of Warrick, and the constant dealings with death. He's not interested in seeing the office psychiatrist or psychologist, so he's going to turn to the one person who has such...
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    "Let It Bleed" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Looks like Greg will have a new chapter to write and put in his book about the mob. I hate mob-related stories. Seems like the mob boss always wins in the end. Like mother like daughter...Lindsey is looking for love in all the wrong places. Wouldn't surprise me if pole dancing was in her...
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    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    I can't see Greg owning a rodent. He seems more like a dog fancier to me. I picture him with a chocolate lab and a yellow lab. Cute!
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    Dourdan: I Know I'm Taking A Risk

    Sounds like sour grapes to me. Gary couldn't contain his bitter feelings. I'm sure he misses the cast and they miss him, but it sounds like his drug usage was seriously impeding his ability to act and show up for work. Good luck to him finding good acting roles in the future, but I doubt...
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    David Rambo

    Apparently Rambo doesn't want to bother with Greg either. I don't think I've ever read an interview by him where he mentions Greg.
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    "Let It Bleed" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I enjoyed the longer preview. Looks interesting, but would be much more so if Greg had been in it. We've seen Nick chase the bad guys before (the kid in the go cart episode). True, that guy wasn't a hardened criminal like in these previews, but still, I don't think this is evidence that Nick...
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    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #6

    Thank you for the nice pictures Wojo. Looks like Eric has stopped pumping iron. His arms are back to being slender, but that's okay with me. He's cute no matter what.
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    "Let It Bleed" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    So let's play...where in the world is Greg? Does anyone know if he's even in this episode?
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    "Art Imitates Life" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I liked this episode a lot better than last week's, but I agree it could have been improved by seeing more camaraderie between the characters. When I saw Hodges go to the psychiatrist's office, start to knock, and then seeing Greg in there at an obviously emotional time, I thought for a minute...
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    "Art Imitates Life" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I'm very much looking forward to the team's therapy sessions, perhaps the only part of this episode I'm looking forward to watching. It's an insight into what these guys are thinking with regards to Warrick's murder. We get so little personal interaction by our favorites. I hope we aren't...
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    "Art Imitates Life" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Thanks so much for posting that link. It was a much better preview. I'm looking forward to seeing this episode.
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    "Art Imitates Life" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I went over to the CBS site and couldn't find the preview anywhere. All it shows is the previous episodes.
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    "Art Imitates Life" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Not one scene of Greg in the previews. I hope he's in this one, seeing the therapist.
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    "The Happy Place" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Well yes, I saw those scenes, but it wasn't really mourning now, was it? I would have liked to have seen the group bring up his name, mention how much they miss him, stuff like that. What little we got didn't really measure up to what I thought would have been done. Maybe we'll see more in a...
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    "The Happy Place" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    And here I hurried home from work to see this episode. I shouldn't have bothered. First, I see Grissom lying in bed with his daughter. Oh wait, that was Sara. I got confused for a minute. :devil: A little later, I see sweet, sweet Greg, looking rather thin, being used to introduce Sara to...
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    Season 9 *Spoiler* Picture Thread

    I thought this was the "Spoiler" Picture Thread, but it now appears that shipper central has creeped in again. :wtf:
  20. T

    "The Happy Place" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Is this the episode where our guys get interviewed by the psychiatrist to see how they are coping with Warrick's death? I can't remember.