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    CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!!!

    Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it! A: Potato Peeler B: Gaelic
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    I watch the reruns on Living tv, RTE and anywhere else I can find them. I watch the dvds when I go to bed and once finished start back at series one again.
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    How would you like the shows to end?...

    If they were to end (which they had better not especially Vegas) Grissom and Sara marrying Catherine and Warwick consumating their friendship Horatio and Yelana getting it on Calleigh and Eric together Stella and Mac realising they have feelings
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    CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!!!

    Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it! A: Shouting B: Nether Region!
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    CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!!!

    Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it! A: admitting to going to a strip club B: a new personality
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 3

    I really hope they put Catherine and Warwick together. Their chemistry has been going since the first episode and in Down the Drain there so was much anticipated which never panned out.
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    Marg/Catherine #5.0: She's Got It All

    Just FYI if Hugh is Jewish it means Marg converted because the Jewish line comes through the Mother.
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    Who should leave and Who should stay on the show?

    LV Stay - All because the balance is right between each character MI Leave - Horatio because he speaks to slowly and in syllables NY Don't watch it.
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    Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Picture Thread #5.0

    Wow, she looks absolutely stunning. Thanks.
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    CSI Match Game Season 3: The BLANKS never lie!!!!

    A:water bed B:head polishing set
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    CSI article in USA Weekend

    I love to sit back and watch.
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    Is there much reference to Lindsey in series seven, seeing as how they have a new actress.
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    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    Reading all these postings as someone who hasn't seen series 7, is there any mention about Sam Braun's murder and what effects it has had on Catherine.
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    Last Season

    I can't wait for that as I have only seen a few episodes and with a multi region dvd player can watch contentedly.
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    CSI SEASON 6 DVD RELEASE IN THE UK have exclusive box sets of all series before anyone else. That's where I got my series 5.
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    season 7 thoughts?

    From reading all of the spoilers, I can't wait for it to be shown in Ireland.
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    "Double-Cross" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Marg says in an extra on the DVD that she was brought up Catholic but she may have converted when she married Alan so that their son could be brought up Jewish. It does't really matter any way as ones beliefs are personal to that person.
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    British Fans... Who would you cast in CSI: London?

    I think Helen Mirren is a great suggestion. How about good old Amanda Burton - I think she would be great as an investigator rather than pathologist.
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    CSI Match Game Season 3: The BLANKS never lie!!!!

    A: Let the 'Bug Man' have his way B: Bonnie & Clyde