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  1. BlueDiamondStar

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ O.o Ooh! Am I in some kind of Togo-day-dream-land? Those pics are awesome! Gotta snatch em tomorrow night. Watched another surprising episode tonight. Wasn't expecting so much quality Ryan time. Loved the moments...
  2. BlueDiamondStar

    The Mentalist

    Probably. Couldn't know because not american. But sounds possible. Only we've seen what's happened with shows in that particular timeslot and can't help unwanted thoughts regarding that timeslot and (especially) Csi:Miami. But we'll see eventually. Not really liking Good Wife but...
  3. BlueDiamondStar

    The RANT And I Can't Say This Aloud #4

    I'll read the next chapters of your stories Flack, probably tomorrow and let a review or two. And I'll read yours too Mac&AdamFan. Just not atm because it's bedtime here LOL. ------ Dear fellow rper, why didn't you let me know you're changing your site? How I was supposed to know...
  4. BlueDiamondStar

    The Mentalist

    Woof! O.o lol I actually stated this possibility on couple threads already (probably those relating Miami cancellation). And I fear that as much as I dread certain doctors... Even more... Of course I do realize it shall end one day or another but I always keep praying for at least...
  5. BlueDiamondStar

    Fan-Favourite CSI:Miami Moment - Competition & Voting

    Oh I can add that scene from season 8 when Walter and Jesse were in that plane in space reconstructing crime scene. Unfortunately forgot the title of the episode.
  6. BlueDiamondStar

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ Agree with you 100% :D oooh lovely! Tomorrow's episode seems promising. Hope to see decent amount of Ryan there (at least promo looked promising)...
  7. BlueDiamondStar

    The RANT And I Can't Say This Aloud #4

    I know what you mean. Sometimes feel exactly the same. But then I remember my new philosophy- write only for yourself, write not thinking why others don't review, be happy for those couple reviews you've gotten so far... It sucks but sometimes works since I mostly pre-post on rp forums...
  8. BlueDiamondStar

    Season 8 in the UK?

    Well recently I feel like that. But last year it was like forever till either NY or Vegas here. They took like eternity to show NY's season 6 on rerun (like a reminder of where we left of ages before) and then continued with s7 and now 8. And little less eternity to keep up with Vegas. They...
  9. BlueDiamondStar

    CSI: NY Renewed for Season 9

    Well I'm now only season behind from USA people and about 15 episodes behind UK. Not bad for *undergroundcave* my country.
  10. BlueDiamondStar

    The RANT And I Can't Say This Aloud #4

    Mom's phone! Stop messing up!! It's enough with my own two regular dummies, not even countin my pink shitbag dummy, and now you too have a death wish :mad::scream: What's it with all of you? How to buy a phone that's not complete waste of money and time? :confused: Is it even worth to...
  11. BlueDiamondStar

    The RANT And I Can't Say This Aloud #4

    To myself: Please get yourself a life. A RL if you don't mind. I know it's kinda hard with that kind of personality but please at least try. I know your friend will kill you if you won't start living. Yes she's more used to be on herself and her physical state sometimes gives more privileges...
  12. BlueDiamondStar

    Season 8 in the UK?

    Well that explains why we got to watch it right after s7 ended. Usually we get Miami and NY after UK people are either half season ahead or already finished with it. So now I know that I'm somewhere 15 episodes behind. So there's only 18 episodes? It might mean whole summer season...
  13. BlueDiamondStar

    Season 8 in the UK?

    Wait a sec, is season 8 already over in UK?
  14. BlueDiamondStar

    CSI: NY Renewed for Season 9

    Phew and I almost thought I'm missing something...
  15. BlueDiamondStar

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ Thanks for tip! Just snatched them all :hugegrin: Aww my my, now I'm so willing to try that Segway thingy. We actually have 'em here, too. I've seen people driving them at Forestpark when I was there with my runbike *jealousy full...
  16. BlueDiamondStar

    The RANT And I Can't Say This Aloud #4

    Hmm I've known certain people that claims to be English but turns out less knowledgable than my non-english being. Gotta google that show to know more. Well I always hope they're good. And I've been told they are, so I take it they are good lol. *** *** *** Shaddayaddaboo! Come on...
  17. BlueDiamondStar

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ Wow those are awesome news. Couldn't see pictures but read article. Thanks for sharing Theresa. Yay. Finally saw the episode where Ryan did important discovery about the knife:lol: Aww he looked so smart :guffaw: Enjoyed episode...
  18. BlueDiamondStar

    The RANT And I Can't Say This Aloud #4

    So this was the rant you couldn't wait for posting :lol: I feel for you. I have no idea about Happy Days but I share your pain because FanFiction writers who don't respect characters aren't on my 'favourites' list. I actually read fanfic where Mac abused OC. It was terribly written so I...
  19. BlueDiamondStar

    The RANT And I Can't Say This Aloud #4

    Bullocks! Totally forgot what day is today. Now have to wait for Friday or weekend to access internet *headdesk* Dammit! Why one can't actually look at calendar and actually use some brain then? *facepalm* Dear phone, darling my lovely, how many years I need to beg you for behaviour? I...
  20. BlueDiamondStar

    CSI: NY Renewed for Season 9

    I feel exactly the same. Never thought I'd get over character/actor departure so smoothly. Actually I don't miss MK that much. I guess Sela/Jo had made it all up for me. And now I'm liking Csi:NY better again...