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  1. S

    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    If you look again at the scene in uncertainity rules when stella ask Danny to look at the photo's if you look she is touching Adam on the arm. It is sutible but it is there. This is after she has her hand on the chair.
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    Vidilis, I agree with you completly. :) I know what Pam said and then we got that great Adella at the end of Mattenhenge. :drool: I am hoping that we will see something when we get the new Stella episode. :lol: I agree also that we don't need them shoved down our throat, but that occassional...
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    offtopic Vildis, I did try to accept your friend request but, I don't know how to use this board and all of it's functions yet. :scream: On topic, I am waiting two weeks for mattenhenge. At least that had that great Adella scene at the end :drool: I am hoping that we see something in the...
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    Well Adella fans The sad part is with all the reruns and delays this season I have begun losing interest in the show. :( The only thing that keeps me tuned in is the hope for more Adella. :drool: If we dont get it I am starting to look at other shows. Do any of you watch Crimanial Minds. I...
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    . :lol: IAs for Aubrey: she´s nice and really seems to make Mac happy, so why should TPTB create another drama and tear them apart again very soon? Let them have fun and give Adella their fun back :D. ITA, but the way the writers are going this season it would not suprise me if they just...
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    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire City

    Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire or maybe it is better over at the debate/dislike a ship thread. :lol:
  7. S

    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    I still think we may get adella back. :lol: I have said that Adam and Stella have both changed this season, mainly in apperance. :drool: Adam is cleaner cut and better groomed this year. :hugegrin: He is also dressing alot better. :adore: Have you noticed that he only wears one shirt now...
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    Grade 'Pot of Gold'

    To my Dear poster friend Lori K. :) I know you are a true devoted smackie and you didn't like Aubrey. Don't be sad. :( The way the writers are going this year, their going to just drop the storyline anyway. :scream: So cheer up and hang in there. :lol: That's what us Adella fans have been...
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    I don't know about the rest of you but, I liked Aubrey. :) I like the chem between her and Mac. I hope the writers keep her around for Mac and focus on Adella again :drool: I did notice that in last weeks epi when Stella and Danny were working with Adam in the lab as he was showing them the...
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    Grade 'Pot of Gold'

    Gave it a C. Story wasn't to exiciting. And yes Stella is sporting a darker shade of brown these days :thumbsup:. Love Adam as always :luvlove: I must say I really like Aubrey and Mac. :drool: I think they looked cute together. :lol: I too liked the way the deli guy helped to get them...
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    The CSI: NY vs. L&O SVU showdown!

    well I have been so disapointed with csiny this season, that I think I will turn to L & O SUV. I am tired of the writing this season and not happy that they did not go with the Adam, Stella story after thay started it. I just started watching CM a few weeks ago and really like it. No arcs, no...
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    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire City

    Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire I can not believe that they are going with another cliffhanger. :klingon: The last one was such a let down, I can't wait for season 7. :lol: I see it like this: We fans wait all summer for the season premier. Finally it is...
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    I agree. It seems that A.J. is around a whole lot less this season then in the past. :scream: This week he only had a few lines and that was it. :scream: I do hope we get to see some of those great Adella moments again. ;)
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    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:NY

    When was the debate over?
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    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:NY

    Again P.A. I agree dwith you totally
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    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire City

    Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire If it were any other show,any other writers, or any other season I would say yes, But the way they are doing things season: I would say it was par for the course.:brickwall: And what about two new episodes and than another...
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    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire City

    Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire Do you mean to tell me that we only get two new episodes before we get another rerun:scream::brickwall::mad::angryrazz::censored::censored::censored:
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    I agree they do have platonic chem. I was refering to romantic chem. I guess I should have made that clear. :thumbsup: I am still hoping for Adella though. :drool: It is so hard to keep up with what is going on with the stories this season though. :confused: There have been so many reruns...
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    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire City

    Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire Sorry Faylinn, I thought it said that this thread had reached a 1000 post so they started a new one. I am new to this. I did not mean to give the wrong information, I was confussed. Thank you for correcting it.