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  1. DragonFriend95

    Happy Birthday, Robert David Hall!

    Happy belated birthday Robert! Have a great 63rd!
  2. DragonFriend95

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    It's hard to stay positive...I mean I finally put my trust in the writers and CBS after all these years, and this idiotic idea happens...makes me just want to curl up in my shell and find any excuse to snark at them some more :lol: Although the positive mood in here is certainly quite...
  3. DragonFriend95

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    Yeah, I usually just work for the library in our school, but I do work experience at the library in town whenever I can. Usually its okay, because we don't have security inside but their is usually some patrol guys outside keeping an eye on things. It's when the library is open late that the...
  4. DragonFriend95

    'CSI' Casts Guest Stars, Looks For New Vice Cop

    It's gotten to the point where I'm positive that every woman in Vegas' law enforcement is a tough, sassy, fiery super hot gal who's always more than she seems :rolleyes: It's times like this that I miss Jacqui Franco and Mandy...I'm not saying Romy or Sheeri aren't good looking, on the contrary...
  5. DragonFriend95

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

    :wtf::wtf: Excuse me, I need to find my brain bleach, he actually mildly disturbs me... So far Vegas' choice of guest stars hasn't really been appealing to me, and now we have some '90210' guy and...that.
  6. DragonFriend95

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    I'd certainly take a giftwrapped Ryan/Jon for Xmas :drool::devil: WHAT?! That's got to be biased! Under The Influence, Nailed, Shootout, Burned, his speech in Kill Switch, WISC...and that's just to name a few! :angryrazz::brickwall: I'm not even being biased in Ryan/Jon's favour here...I've...
  7. DragonFriend95

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    Dear Rowdy Boys Just because the head librarian isn't here doesn't mean you can barge in and turn the computers up full volume, all the while screaming about whatever the hell is happening outside. This is a place of QUIET, where people can QUIETLY read their books. Even though I'm barely a...
  8. DragonFriend95

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    I'm thanking the fact that I'd bookmarked the CBS feedback page...even though I wasn't directly affected I'm sending a whole lot of hatemail their way. Gotta do everything we can to support both the show and Jon/Ryan :thumbsup:
  9. DragonFriend95

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    :( I feel sorry for all you guys that can't see the episode! If CBS have taken the online videos down then that sucks even more; I managed to watch the episode but since I have no speakers it was without sound. And I really wanted to hear what awesome one liners came out of that beautiful mouth...
  10. DragonFriend95

    Caption CSI:Miami!

    :guffaw::guffaw: GoonieGirl, you just made my day :thumbsup:
  11. DragonFriend95

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    You mean I wasn't supposed to be celebrating his handsomeness and talent every day already? ;):lol: Haha, suddenly I'm not as sad about having to wait so long until we can catch the episode. :p I agree BDS, doesn't matter where you're from, we're all the same in our love for Ryan/Jon!
  12. DragonFriend95

    Episode 9x05 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    So far I haven't seen anything to suggest that Ryan and Natalia are anything beyond really good friends; it's getting rarer every day to see a lovely platonic relationship between a boy and girl on television, so I hope for the sake of my non-shipping heart that tptb will stick with the...
  13. DragonFriend95

    Are We Paying You By The Word? - The CSI Booklist

    I Will Survive: Avoiding the Dangers of Firearms by Timothy Speedle, foreword by Michael Keppler How to get the Girl by Henry Andrews Delectable Cuisine by Doctor Albert Robbins My Successful Love Life by Nick Stokes Ending With a Bang; Leaving an Impression on your Co-workers by...
  14. DragonFriend95

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    Dear Stalker with a crush It's weird enough that you follow me around school all day asking for a date, even with my many rejections and telling you to your face that I'll only ever have romantic feelings for fictional characters on crime drama shows. But if you ever make advances on my...
  15. DragonFriend95

    "Bump and Grind" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I was actually reminded of this time when I got in a fight with some creepy kid from school...he knocked my filling out then gave it to me the next day just to taunt me. It was one of those situations where you either had to see the sick humour in it or get mad all over again, so I took the more...
  16. DragonFriend95

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

    I apologise if it's already been posted, but there's a promo for Fracked up. :)
  17. DragonFriend95

    Ratings Discussion

    Re: Season 10 Ratings Discussion Glad to see the numbers aren't decreasing. A lot of my friends have stopped watching and I was coming close to (one person and one person only made me want to watch this ep :p) so I was worried for a while.
  18. DragonFriend95

    Michael Travers: Trace with an Accent

    I was surprised was lying dormant for a while and now suddenly Travers is making a comeback :p Anyway, I should mention that I really loved him in the premiere...suddenly reciting the poem made me roll me eyes and laugh at the same time. I still prefer him with the scruff though. ;)
  19. DragonFriend95

    "Bump and Grind" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I full heartedly agree; this season and some of last has really been rather lackluster IMO. This is probably my favourite ep of the season so far, but I still don't think it has quite the punch it used to have. Watching the beginning scene without the stupid 'eclusive' typo...nope, still...
  20. DragonFriend95

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    Dear classmates, I couldn't care less about your problems. I don't care if X was mean to Y or Z broke up with W. I don't care that your girl/boyfriend is a total jerk, and neither do I care that they brought you flowers yesterday. I don't care that you failed your exam or your parents hate...