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  1. DragonFriend95

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    Last film I watched was Raging Phoenix. It's a Thai film that incorporates many styles of fighting (Muay Thai, Drunken Master etc.) and mixes it with dance; the result really is spectacular. Plus the storyline is very emotional, with a touch of romance that managed to keep from being too soppy...
  2. DragonFriend95

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

    Um...I'm pretty sure most of Hodges screentime in Bump and Grind mainly consisted of him trying to be chummy with Greg, though it was a rather one sided friendship :lol: I still don't like the sound of this episode, but since Mandy is slated to have a rare appearance I'll probably watch it. I...
  3. DragonFriend95

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    Likewise, happy holidays to everyone! Not been posting much lately since I'm supposed to hang out with the family or something this time of the year, but I am loving all the pics and info that everyone's been posting. Thanks to the respective posters :lol: I can't wait for MMIH either; even if...
  4. DragonFriend95

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    To my sister Stop coming into my room when I'm half asleep and then take whatever I mumble to be a yes to your question. It's sneaky and uncalled for, and you should know that the majority of the time I'm saying no anyway. Seriously, it's starting to pi** me off.
  5. DragonFriend95

    Death & Danger Are On The Way For The 'CSI' Team

    Honestly, how many times will they put the team in danger nowadays? Since it's CM I'm taking the whole article with a damn salt shaker, but all of this 'danger' is really pushing me away from the show. Leave the angst and in-peril situations to us fanfic writers :p
  6. DragonFriend95

    "Shock Waves" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I didn't particularly enjoy the premier since it only had one of my favourite characters in it, but re-watching it I have to admit I really enjoy the Doc/Ray scene (I know, I'm shocked I like a scene with Ray in it too) Robert Hall really showed his acting talents there. Rest of it was kinda...
  7. DragonFriend95

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

    Personally I love a good dose of angst and CSI's in peril...but I'd much rather it stay in fanfiction. Having the CSI's in constant danger makes it all the more harder to find the show realistic (and it's already hard enough to believe its 'night shift' working in a 'crime' lab since all we get...
  8. DragonFriend95

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    ^^ Me neither BDS. It's posted on the CBS site so us non-US folk can get a gander :( Just have to wait until someone posts them somewhere else that's not exclusive to the US... EDIT:
  9. DragonFriend95

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

    Of course you'd give Dita Von Teese a chance ;):devil: I agree with you though; I don't think we can really trust an article that is 1) apparently near unknown and 2) clearly biased against the show. I'm perfectly willing to give Dita a chance; I haven't seen any of her work, so I'm...
  10. DragonFriend95

    Review: CSI: Miami--'Blood Sugar'

    Great review Kristine :) What I'm more surprised about is that after nine years people are still surprised that fire does absolutely nothing to the CSI men while it sticks the CSI ladies in comas. It's Miami, I really was expecting that people would be used to this level of unrealism by now...
  11. DragonFriend95

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    Haha, I'd love to have dreams like that; unfortunately my dreams seem to be the only place of my mind that Ryan/Jon doesn't occupy :p I felt like posting because I finally managed to watch Time Bomb...and Goonie and BBS can testify to how amazing I thought Ryan/Jon was in the episode. I hate...
  12. DragonFriend95

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    Dear Mother Seriously? You seriously forgot to tell me that school was cancelled? You do realise that I spent close to two hours riding buses, one of which had a bratty little kid who wouldn't shut up, then had to traipse through the freezing cold snow for all of an hour searching the town for...
  13. DragonFriend95

    Cancellation of a CSI series

    Toning down the H/Eric bromance for one, as well as Horatio's Superman persona- nothing big, just to show that the man can get hurt and is actually human :lol: I don't mind the split screens and bright colours but I know a lot of people would want to see less of them. Everything else though...
  14. DragonFriend95

    "418/427" Discussion thread **Spoilers**

    Yes, I remember that Greg did dabble in Trace when he was a tech- I've come to accept that DNA and Trace are apparently interchangeable, but I was mad when Hodges suddenly was able to work in A/V in Season 9, and I'm mad now that suddenly he's an expert in prints, both without explanation as to...
  15. DragonFriend95

    Cancellation of a CSI series

    If I had to choose it would be Vegas. I'm only watching for the characters now but even then I have plenty of other works that my favourite actors on the show have been in. I love the addition of Sela on New York, and Miami has made a massive improvement over last year, and I think it's be sad...
  16. DragonFriend95

    "418/427" Discussion thread **Spoilers**

    I tried that once; I was surprised to learn my friends dislike him more than I do. I rather enjoyed the ep, its one of my better liked this season. The inclusion of four of my favourites and the barely conspicuous absence of my least favourite character being the main reason :p It was nice to...
  17. DragonFriend95

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    It isn't? Darn, me and my father's side of the family must be walking freak shows then :lol: I agree with those who don't want an 'office romance' for Ryan...then again I don't like romantic relationships in general. If they're going to concentrate on Ryan's private life (fingers crossed!) then...
  18. DragonFriend95

    "418/427" Discussion thread **Spoilers**

    Thanks for the promo SnowWonder, looks like an interesting ep. Man, I love Mitchell so much :D
  19. DragonFriend95

    Will Sqweegel Come Back For The 'CSI' Finale?

    And here I was hoping that tptb was, for once going against the 'every case neatly solved' formula. I'm already pi**ed off enough that every time there's a case its a murder, and that they always seem to be solving it in the daytime despite being night shift; I had hoped that I could enjoy the...
  20. DragonFriend95

    Michael Travers: Trace with an Accent

    Sorry, accidentally double posted. Ignore this.