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  1. DragonFriend95

    Season 9 Ratings Thread

    I know that Heroes was cancelled when it hit around 6 mil. viewers, and Flashforward had around 5 mil. and they both had pretty decent timeslots. I think Miami is doing pretty well between its killer timeslot and old age. So far there's only been rumours that NY might be faced with...
  2. DragonFriend95

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

    What do you...oh...ohhhhh :devil: You got me thinking dirty now! :lol: The episode sounds kinda interesting, but to be honest I'm only really looking forward to seeing a certain A/V tech again :D
  3. DragonFriend95

    "Cold Blooded" Discussion - *SPOILERS*

    Round about Season 5 they made a big deal about how Greg doesn't carry a gun like the other CSI's. Since then he's never carried one outside training exercises, so him suddenly having one without explanation would be out of character for him and pretty jarring to his fans. Hope that helped :)...
  4. DragonFriend95

    Ratings Discussion

    Re: Season 10 Ratings Discussion Slightly lower than last week in overall viewers, but still pretty good. I'm still waiting on an episode that'll actually interest me for more than five minutes though :shifty::lol:
  5. DragonFriend95

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    Lovely caps FFF, they were definitely worth the wait! Arms and camera porn, it's two for the price of one! :lol::drool: Thanks for the reminder Solitaire, I knew I had forgotten to do something tonight. I'll vote twice to make up for it ;)
  6. DragonFriend95

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    There's not a single bit of him that I don't like :lol: :drool: I'd have to say his eyes are my favourite look and he can either melt your heart or make you burst out crying. They're just so...intense! Thanks for the pics lal Nice thing to cheer me up on a typically rainy day :)
  7. DragonFriend95

    Most epic intro?

    I think the Power Trip one does it for me- just cause I actually yelled at the screen 'The hell, we're getting a insight into their personal lives?!' :lol: I think the slow motion walk to the crime scene was what raised it to pretty epic. Though I think the intro from Nailed was pretty good...
  8. DragonFriend95

    "Cold Blooded" Discussion - *SPOILERS*

    :eek: Did...did I just read right? 2 separate cases? We are still talking about Vegas, right? Seriously, if this turns out to be another 'OMG our cases are connected!' then I'm going to break the TV :shifty::lol:
  9. DragonFriend95

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    I agree; if future episodes are as good as the four we've already seen then this could be one of my favourites seasons since way back in Season 3 :thumbsup: Next week's episode is the one that's got Ryan all dressed up like Bond, right? I really cant wait to see it :drool:;) Can't wait...
  10. DragonFriend95

    Character Development/Screentime Discussion

    :lol: Unfortunately I can't really relate to that; we recently got another assistant librarian, and while my co-workers are usually really sweet and kind people they were b*tching a lot about her before they finally got to know her and accepted her as a co-worker anjd friend. Sometimes I hate...
  11. DragonFriend95

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 2

    :) Good to see Ecklie back again. Two weeks in a row? Even though I think they've already done a similar plot back in Season 7 or so I'm already looking forward to this one. :lol:
  12. DragonFriend95

    The Mentalist

    Oh, so there's only about a month's difference? Pretty impressive considering we're still waiting for any of the new CSI seasons :lol: Ah, so they do flirt- I'm really bad with communication skills so I wasn't too sure :) I'm okay with where they are now in the relationship, but I agree that...
  13. DragonFriend95

    Vassey Guest Stars On 'Two And A Half Men'

    I may be biased since I'm a Charlie Sheen fan, but I still don't see why it's so impossible to think she could be seen as older than him. I mean right now she does look a bit younger than him, but a touch of 'age' make-up can make a lot of difference. :confused:
  14. DragonFriend95

    Vassey Guest Stars On 'Two And A Half Men'

    There's a seven year gap between them and IMO Sheen still looks good for forty-five. If the audience suspends their disbelief a bit then they can probably pull it off :p
  15. DragonFriend95

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    Oh, I didn't mean to imply that since he's become a CSI he's become completely unmemorable, there's been some great quotes of his from S5 to 8...since about Season 9 (when IMO the whole show started to go downhill) I'm having problems remembering anything Greg does besides give some filler for...
  16. DragonFriend95

    The Mentalist

    Not to sure where the Americans are, but in the UK we just started the third season and I'm loving it so far! I've liked Simon Baker since I saw him in some generic zombie flick and I'm glad he managed to get the lead in something, and the show has turned me into a huge Tim Kang fan; Cho's...
  17. DragonFriend95

    The Event

    We've only had the first two episodes in Britain, but it's really intrigued me so far. The plot moves along kind of slow, but I don't really mind it, and I eventually got used to it going back and forward with the flashbacks. The truth is the only reason I was going to watch it was because it...
  18. DragonFriend95

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    A lot of my friends (myself included) prefer him in his lab rat years not because he was funnier back then, but because he was much more memorable; I can quote pretty much any line he said as a lab rat, mundane or not, but nowadays tptb give him so little to work with that he fades into the...
  19. DragonFriend95

    "Cold Blooded" Discussion - *SPOILERS*

    ...And that is why I prefer math; their rules aren't so convoluted :lol: The closest I've ever been to seeing dinosaurs are JP and their bones in the museum, I'll be mildly interested in what these ones are like. Is this the episode that had Greg with a gun in the promo pics? Cause if so...
  20. DragonFriend95

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    :lol: Yep, we certainly do like to point out what's staring us in the face! We can't help it if Jon just so happens to be super hot and an amazing actor at the same time...hell, some of my friends who don't even like Ryan admit that Jon's a great actor! All these complaints and compliments...