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  1. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    desertwind congratulations for the letter!!! i'm really happy for a GSR fan was listened!!!haaa so nice!!! i'm happy for you!!! i don't read what have in magazine but this part you put here is so nice words!!! they change :eek:...i thought they couldn't do that :eek:
  2. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    oh my goddddd thank for spoilers guys...........what can i say...ohhhhh my godddddd
  3. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    is playing tonight "BTK" pt. 1 here too!!! ;)i saw now Veggie B scene haaaaaa cuteeeee i want more this!!! i need more!!! :)
  4. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    i much more worried about season finale thinking in next year... i really don't know what think about leaving las vegas ahhhhhhh i can't wait for see!!!i just know this break is not about his love for Sara on way or other is about work for poll number 2 i guess ;)
  5. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    about the poll hm i don't i can say 3 before LM or number 2 hmmm :confused: i didn't know i read now... A month until a new episode !!!!! and a month without Grissom :( i wanted this week... :( probably will be a rerun too here :( Sarah i saw you in TV guide !! wow i'm your...
  6. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    Respond to TV Guide!!! ppl go there support GSR link
  7. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    thanks LOL is kind scary lol :cool: haaaaaa i'm crazy for see episode today!!!! my geeks working together!!! pls good souls pls came here after episode tell what happened ;)!!! BTW, i'm watching Double-Cross..i see our geek scene nowww!! Gosh do u belive they don't put DEAR in legends..the...
  8. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    Adzix i wanted so much be spoilers free..but i can' read one time and that's it!! and i need wait 60 days more than you's too much for me but i'm just reading..i stoped see..give more emotion!!! i miss the butterflied..i had no ideia about whole episode...was a...
  9. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    i can't wait for see(well, read in my case)what they will do bt Grissom and Sara but i'm not worried i choice number 2 for the poll i'm tired be worried all the time ...i just hope a great scene bt my geeks
  10. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    for me don't have any significant difference in stile...i just hate when ppl blame GSR for the Ratings..i really don't know why we loose ppl...maybe for Grey's anatomy what i think is nonsense..CSI is much Better..but it's just my opinion
  11. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    number one for my opinion...Grissom is kind guy deep..he just decide stay with her after all these years and with all complicated situation cos he really knows how much love her. maybe is my view but after Butterflied (when Grissom spoke for the first time)i always think in soul...
  12. IloveBilly

    Ratings: CSI vs ...

    Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy i hope mrb105 win the bet!!
  13. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    new spoilers!!! wow i stay out for while and wow i loose :( Fannysmackin' caught fire in an apartment in the building of my aunt. happened in the second floor she lives in 4..but smoke was very strong..she fainted Gosh thank god she is fine ...she had poisoning for smoke thank god firemen...
  14. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    i wanted writte for Sarah too both wrotte my favourite episodes!! maybe i do will be simple and small .. a BIG thank you cos they did what i waited for years .....just for know they have fans around world..haaa i need say how much Jorja work is wonderful and say how great is the new season!!!
  15. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    well, true or not i will writte my first letter this weekend for David Rambo my favourite CSI writter, my english is poor but haaaaaa he will understand how much i love Billy, Jorja and the GSR!!! i will send e-mails too true or not..let's do something!!! haaaaaaa this week (Thursday)will be a...
  16. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    haaaaa they working together!!! so what do u guys think? she knows about Grissom's break or not yet? the pics are sooooooooooo sooooooo cute!! i love my Geeks working together!!! thanks!!
  17. IloveBilly

    Ratings: CSI vs ...

    Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy haaaaaa new bet!!! ok ok i will say 26 million :)
  18. IloveBilly

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    LOL Thanks for that!!! imagines the Cath's face i want a scene ..he in the phone talking something like "i'll wait for you, DEAR"....or HONEY ..... don't need say i love you( i don't know what will happen with me when i listen Grissom saying this LOL) and Cath is listening..we can see he...
  19. IloveBilly

    Ratings: CSI vs ...

    Re: CSI Ratings versus Grey's Anatomy haaa this the guy don't explain!!! make all difference!! i'm crazy for REAL numbers what was the number last year?