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  1. T

    Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

    ^^And she wasn't real specific, which could mean any kind of technique, really. :p Hmm, what kind of style would Sara go for? Judo? Bushido? Boxing? T'ai Chi Ch'üan? Krav Maga? Oh, the possibilities. I feel a Sara fight scene coming on... ... please stand by for the second coming of Xena after...
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    Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

    ^^I' don't exactly trust the bio CBS has up. It says she's an only child, yet she mentions a brother in One Hit Wonder and the bithplace as Tamales Bay. Or... someplace like that... Ok, maybe Mom did go kayaking... :confused:
  3. T

    Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

    ^^Sure, you came to the right place. Long story short, Sara grew up in an abusive household, her mother killed her father and Sara wound up in foster care for a long time. Given Sara's tendency to get emotional on cases with even a hint of abuse, it's likely that it was a battered wife/child...
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    Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

    *plucks gun out of CalleighDuCaine's hands* MmmmmmmmNo. I ain't in the mood ta scrape brains off the walls. Sorry. :D
  5. T

    Post something you can't say out loud.

    To my friend: I love you to death and you've been a good friend. have a tendency to hover in my personal space. We see each other every day so there's really no need to ask me daily what I did, about the cat, etc. And when you come in when I'm working to "check on us", please don't be...
  6. T

    Say NO to Homophobia

    Wow, Jayne, sounds like your education system is quite thorough. Back on subject, though, I remember quite a few instances of homophobia when I was younger. For instance, I once caught flack from the other students for blowing a kiss at another girl. I also had some crushes which made me kind...
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    Josh Berman Leaves 'CSI' For 'Vanished'

    Wow. It's like we're being abandoned or something. But then again, since Season Six kinda sucked (hurts to admit it, but it did), I don't blame him for leaving. Wish him the best of luck...
  8. T

    What are you wearing right now???

    -White shirt that makes my co-workers crack Tiger Woods jokes, -Black slacks -White bra -black underwear -black shoes -one grey sock -one darker grey sock -a cap that says "Laguna Beach" Eh, not much of a sharp dresser. Oh yeah and glasses, too.
  9. T

    Post something you can't say out loud.

    I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I miss you. Even as I'm going through some stuff right now, I can hear your voice and feel your presence. I know you are watching over me as well as Daddy and Jane. Thank you so much for being there for me no matter how bad things got. I still have...
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    That's great, Jayne! I would have loved to see those looks myself. But then again, those kids might ask questions later. I know I asked some shocking ones at that age.
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    Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

    Bummer. And it looks like it was really good too. By the way, there is an official link to the show here that's worth a looky-loo.
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    Amen, sister! It soul... :p
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    Here's something that really ticks me off. You'll hear folks complain about gay couples's public displays of affection. That's realy funny, when straight couples flaunt their sexuality all over the place. obsession, sorry to hear about your school. They sound set in their ways. Unfortunately...
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    Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

    Ooh. Ooh. I got one! SupercalifragilisticexpialiJorja ... Great, now I got that song stuck in my head, THANKS, GUYS!!! :lol:
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    Signature Banners #3 - Showcase and Request Them Here!

    Sure. PM me and we can discuss want you want, OK? :)
  16. T

    Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

    Anyway you look at it, she's a winner in our books. :cool:
  17. T

    Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

    Yeah well, the sad truth is, somebody is always gonna talk trash about somebody else. Not much you can do about it, except ignore it. Sis is obviously pushing your buttons. Don't give her the satisfaction of making you upset. A shrug and a "whatever" works for me. Confuses the hell outta them. :)
  18. T

    Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

    ^^Jorja, a god? Now that's a scary thought. I can see it now: "O Blessed One...hear our prayers! Receive unto Thee a sacrifice of-" Okay, shutting up, now. :lol: