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  1. J

    Fanfic: A Grissom/Sara/Greg Triangle

    Your a really good writer so I think you should try the intimate scene, as you put it, see if you can do it! Happy Brithday and a great chapter. Go Greggo!
  2. J

    Sara and Lady H

    Cheers Jasmine the talented Lizzy Sander made it for me! Burnedtoast Just one more thing they have in common! :lol:
  3. J

    Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

    Re: David Hodges I'm here! *jumps up and waves arms* can you see me now?
  4. J

    Sara and Lady H

    ^ Crysthala your scenarios never fail to make me laugh out loud and then imagine them :lol:
  5. J

    Sara and Lady H

    Yea love sHackleS for the name. Laetri I like that idea, good idea for a fanfic, hinthint :lol:
  6. J

    CSI: Hangman #4

    I think I got CSI LV From Early Rollout Greg: I found somethin' on your butt. Catherine: Checkin' out my butt again, Greg?
  7. J

    Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

    Re: David Hodges No one has to I think you just proved it enough :lol: And I have spoken english my whole life and still can't think of any words, I blame the parents :lol:
  8. J

    What is your favourite movie?

    I have four they're all quite different, Napolean Dynamite The Birdcage Napolean Dynamite Dirty Dancing And the longer I type the more movies I'm thinking of so I'm going to stop here :lol:
  9. J

    Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

    Re: David Hodges Intelligent and................ Damn my limited vocabulary, and to make myself feel better I'll blame you Golden Word Stealer!!! :lol:
  10. J

    CSI: Hangman #4

    I please
  11. J

    Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

    ^ I love that eppy. That pic is brilliant, it's like Sara is about to lean in for a kiss!
  12. J

    Fanfic: A Grissom/Sara/Greg Triangle

    Yay, interaction, can't wait! And Sara paused before saying Gil's name huh? Maybe cause she was having a dream about Greg?....I'm just putting it out there. Can't wait for the next chapter!
  13. J

    Six Degrees To CSI

    Jo D. Jonz was in ER episode "Of past regret and future fear" with Jorja Fox as Dr. Maggie Doyle Jorja Fox is Sara Sidle in CSI. Ok next one, link Tad Hilgenbrink to CSI!
  14. J


    I watch it and LOVE it! It is coming back though isn't it? Cause I have asked numerous people and no one can tell me the answer!
  15. J

    QUIZZES-how much do you know

    6/9 in the first one! And learned some new interesting facts! 9/10 in the second one, my mom would be proud :lol:
  16. J

    CSI: Hangman #4

    E please, if it's not too much trouble!
  17. J

    CSI Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

    Hey, I was trying to make and icon and the more I tried the worse I got :lol: I think I should drop the mouse and just accept it! So I was wondering if anyone with talent and time (and cool brushes :lol:) would care to make me an icon using this pic! If you could crop it so they're both in it...
  18. J

    Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

    Re: David Hodges Freaking Brilliant! I realise it's not really an F word, but it's how I describe him!
  19. J

    CSI: Hangman #4

    A please!
  20. J

    Fanfic: A Grissom/Sara/Greg Triangle

    Oooh I really like it! I'm very intrigued now with who will get together!! Loved how you described the cracks, really well written. Your very talented!