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  1. K

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    Woah...autumn is definately here! :D Had rain all day and now it's really cold tonight. :D
  2. K

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    I must also add Kathy Reichs, only just started reading her books, they're really good. :D But only has three books which is a shame...
  3. K

    What did you do today??

    Went to college- had physics and biology. It was kinda a bit boring cos it was a bit easy. Then, had to do shopping with mother which was...boring. :p Then...popped into teh gym for a small workout, did it for 30 minutes ntil I could do no more. :p
  4. K

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    How do you know...?
  5. K

    Photos #4 - Please Snap 'n Share!

    Re: Photos #4 ...hey, I recognize you as another user. Are you NZ_CHIKA or something? :p
  6. K

    From the Mouth of High School

    ...GOD that floored me. :lol: :lol: :lol: Haven't got any funny stories, pretty much hung out with a boring bunch. :rolleyes:
  7. K

    I Can't Believe It #4

    I can't believe she died! :( She was a lovely person..its a shame she had to die. :(
  8. K

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    Way before Red Dragon(book) and Manhunter? That sounds pretty...stupid. :p
  9. K

    The Poll Thread - #3

    God yeah, when I was at my grandmothers for the day, it was a bit boring so I started doing sukudo with my nanny and started doing some of my own...began to like solving it. But I dont like to ponder too much on it cos I do get annoyed too easily. :p
  10. K

    Around the weird:news of the bizarre

    Ooh, that story is so cool. The baby actually died in his tummy, lived off his arteries and nutrients...Just fed off him, it explains why the man was such a small guy. And the baby had petrified in the man's body, basically was like a boulder when they took it out. Cool. :D
  11. K

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Up: Went to the gym and started some work on my muscles instead of the usual cardio work.. Down: Spent over 2 hours down at the gym. :p
  12. K

    I Can't Believe It #4

    Wow, gosh! I get the feeling that someone doesn't like me! Don't worry..I shall stop posting here and stop bugging you at :( :p - I HAVE A LAST.FM PAGE TOO!!!11!!11!!! I cant believe how crappy the Shining becomes after I've watched it more than several times in the past 6 months.
  13. K

    The School Thread : /

    what kind of stuff do you learn in AP chemistry anyway? Im interested in what level at a particular age that people are taught the sciences in USA and other countries . :p Im currently doing Chemistry A-Level with Biology A-Level/Physics A-Level/Geography A-Level. Yeah...what was I thinking...
  14. K

    I Can't Believe It #4

    :rolleyes: I see where Im not wanted! :rolleyes: :p
  15. K

    I Can't Believe It #4

    God, do you ever shut up about your 80% finns reading DD? :p Im sure 99% of us here know you've said this more than hundred times. :p I cant believe how windy it is today. :rolleyes: Bloody Gordon.
  16. K


    Ive heard of it! :D Had a singaporean friend who stayed at my house for a year. Had a chinese/jap bible but could not read a word of it... :p
  17. K

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    OOOOOH. THAT BOOK IS SO WEIRD! IVe read it...just a shame he's french or I might have enjoyed it more. :P And later in the book, it becomes really weird! Has a kind of Jack-the-Ripper feel at the end of the book
  18. K

    World Cup 2006 and Other Football Stuff #3

    Re: The World Cup and Other Football Stuff No one has mentioned that we beat Macedonia?! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: And I thought we had some english supporters?!" Have to say that McClaren is impressing me so far in the role of being a new manager even with a disappointing...
  19. K

    is there a show called 'True CSI'?

    Man, it's such a boring show. :p /pointless contribution to the topic.
  20. K

    40 Greatest Metal Songs.

    I dont think that Gun N'Roses could accurately be called metal, Gun N'Roses are much too quiet for it to be considered metal, if at most, they're hard rock but that's the maximum they could be considered as. I dont think you can even call yourself a metal fan, just a hard rock fan judging from...