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  1. K

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    It was realllllllllly windy today.
  2. K

    Trivia to make you think hard.

    What's the answer. :D
  3. K

    Recent Purchases

    A couple of CDs and two textbooks which costed me about 50 quid. :p
  4. K

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    Reading the Sculptress by Minette Walters. One of a few english crime books I like./ :eek:
  5. K

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    Just watched a episode of Star Trek: voyager. I cant believe how silly Captain Janeway was to have a hologram boyfriend! :lol: Just silly. :rolleyes:
  6. K

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    I cant believe Ive got my first 60 quid for the first time from my EMA :D ..but spent it all already on books. :(
  7. K

    It's just a chick thing [Girl Talk!]

    Well, excuse me! I shop there sometimes cos I live on income support so I cant really afford posh clothes like you londoners. :rolleyes: :p But yeah, you can get nice stuff there. I mainly go there for the pants..god, they've got sexy pants! Not kinky but nice pants.
  8. K

    The Football Thread #4 - It Is Not Soccer

    Go England! Boo Macendonia! Sorry if you were expecting an insightful expectations for the match.. :rolleyes:
  9. K

    It's just a chick thing [Girl Talk!]

    Hasn't anyone heard of Primark up in London?! You can get pretty cool tops/trousers for £4/5 :D
  10. K

    You know you're (insert nationality here) when...

    Do you mean fannypacks? :D god, I hate those! They just look so bloody ridiculous. :rolleyes: ...lmao! :D that's weird. :p
  11. K

    It's just a chick thing [Girl Talk!]

    I could never get into clothes shopping, I was given about £30 to buy some clothes for college but I just bought a lot of pants/knickers which I didn't even really need... :lol:
  12. K

    What did you do today??

    Yesterday, went to college- did biology, geography, and chemistry. Fun fun. Then after taking the long journey on the bus home, I went to the gym for nearly 2 hours. Fun but tired. Went to bed about 11. :eek: And now..Im off to college. :p
  13. K

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    Raining...fucking pouring with water. (duh :p ) Wearing my big raincoat cos it's that wet outside.
  14. K

    Getting To Know Each Other

    hey, I like a couple soundtracks. :D A couple from Disney films and Phantom of the Opera. Man, I love that soundtrack. :p
  15. K

    Post something you can't say out loud.

    To...Someone! Why do you have to be so defensive when I question your things. It's getting pathetic. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  16. K

    Recent Purchases

    Last good band that's come from the Uk? you sure you wish to say that?!?!? :P Dragonforce Cancer Carcass Grim Reaper Annihilated Mithras My Dying Bride to say a few. I dont think you really can say that nothing good has come from UK since Iron Maiden popped up cos you don't even...
  17. K

    Getting To Know Each Other

    :lol: Do you happen to like the song that's on Kerrang all the time, Nypethamine or all of their songs?
  18. K

    Recent Purchases

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: *coughs* Bought a cup of tea today.. :p
  19. K

    It's just a chick thing [Girl Talk!]

    I once went out with a boy when I was 8. Only went out with him cos he had the same last name as me so we thought we were destined to be together... :rolleyes: :lol:
  20. K

    Recent Purchases

    Dont you mean Aerosmith's self titled album? :p Got an album the other day, Slayer- Seasons in the Abyss.