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  1. K

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    *glares*.... we didnt get any snow down here. :(
  2. K

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    I know, I know. Im beginning to realise that after reading three of her books in a row. She's very irritating, she makes quite lame jokes, she's perfect, she's so attractive she's batting off this Ryan. Yeah...right. I think I'll start reading other genres other than crime/ a...
  3. K

    Tea and Scones ~ english thread

    The Who!/Iron Maiden. My Dying Bride. I guess. :rolleyes:
  4. K

    Baby Benefits

    you're missing my point here. Im saying your country could encourage more immigration into your country so there wouldnt be a fucking problem with the non-existant workforce in 10-15 years....duh.
  5. K

    Baby Benefits

    There are some who do work for lower than the minimum wage when they've entered the country illegally but there will be most who are working for the same minimum wage. But also, immigrants do the jobs that NO ONE..not even australians wants to do. They are the ones that hold up the economy...
  6. K

    TalkCSI LPS #1: Challenge 7 - Texture - FINAL RESULTS UP!

    Re: TalkCSI LPS #1: Challenge 1 - Tranquility Bah yeah, that was right. :p Oh well. :rolleyes:
  7. K

    TalkCSI LPS #1: Challenge 7 - Texture - FINAL RESULTS UP!

    Re: TalkCSI LPS #1: Challenge 1 - Tranquility oooh curves. I can enter this, right?! :)
  8. K

    Angelina Jolie Can't Connect With Shiloh... FTW

    Do people even care about this? :p I know I don't since I have much more pressing matters to think about such as Iraq, extreme weathers etc than to be thinking about ' gosh, Im so sorry for Angeline! her baby must be so horrible not to be bonding blah blah!' :p
  9. K

    QUIZZES-how much do you know

    9/10. :D
  10. K

    Tea and Scones ~ english thread

    Well, racism is a big issue today so why shouldnt it be alongside the devastating weather.
  11. K

    Baby Benefits

    You do realise that without immigrants, your economy would just simply fail? I mean, those immigrants, sorry for this, does the work that no austrilian wants to do and basically holds up the economy from the bottom. They are not sponging off the government but contributing to it. Are you? So I...
  12. K

    Baby Benefits

    Well, countries could encourage immigrations into their country but that only goes a long way. They need to have a higher birth rate to ease the pressure that the old people will be putting on the people who are working for the state. I mean lets say 20 people work to give $800,000 a year. The...
  13. K

    Baby Benefits

    I think it is a good idea, France in pariticular is doing this to encourage people to have more children to bring a better shape to the overall demographics. They're trying to aim for a wider birth rate with a smaller death rate so that way in 30 years time, there will be more economically...
  14. K

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Down: no college today cos I feel a bit too ill-y. Up: got three text messages. A rarity, I feel popular for all of sudden. :rolleyes: Down: just saw a sick real video of an autopsy! :eek: Up: my 2GB memory card has finally come for my digital camera. Thanks, jaunary sales at amazon! :D
  15. K

    Smacking children - right or wrong?

    I think smacking children is a great way to discipline them. But I think it should be only allowed for parents to do it. Not teachers/authority of the state/etc. I have seen many foreign films where teachers hitting pupils are a very common thing, and it is like what it is in real life, and they...
  16. K

    3rd Post Count/Membership Anniversary Party !!

    Re: 3rd Post Count Party !! I hate to sound like Im starting a war but Ive been here since 30th August 2003. Hah Though, I started posting regulary from since...May-ish. :p Hmmm Im still here after more than three years.. I msut be a loser! :p
  17. K

    so. how's your love life?

    :lol:! nice image forming in my head now. :rolleyes:
  18. K

    Wild, Quirky Landmarks & Roadside Attractions

    Funny how they are all american sites, as seeing this is quite a global discussion board, you couldnt provide us with..a global wild quirkly landmarks? :p
  19. K

    Your Parents are annyoying when........

    and they just ruin the good songs! In fact my mother was singing 'Wild Rover' to me for some reason tonight and I couldnt do anything but say ' do know you're ruining the song, dont you?'. :rolleyes:
  20. K

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up! Damn physics exam was so frigging easy. In fact, my exams so far have been relatively easy and confirms my suspisicions that AS-levels are getting too easy. :rolleyes: Down: got a headache, again. :(