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  1. C

    Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

    Maybe Lindsay should just be the "comic relief" from now on. The fact that she was created to be a main character and is in the opening credits creates problems though.
  2. C

    Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

    What if I told you "Don't gush on Lindsay! I hate her, she's such a worthless character!" You probably wouldn't like that, would you? You're allowed to love Lindsay, you're allowed to think she's the greatest thing since sliced bread. But you have to understand that not everyone agrees with you...
  3. C

    Those Pesky Ratings

    Twice I've typed a long reply and twice I've been told my form is no longer valid! why does this keep happening!!!!! The old shows had a beauty to them. They felt like mini-movies. First episode I saw was On the Job. Right away I cared about Danny and became hooked to the show. Caught all the...
  4. C

    Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

    I'm still steaming over the fact she was nothing more than a plot device(and a lousey one at that) in Snow Day. I know, I know, I'll try to get over it. We're only one episode into the new season, and while I admit she didn't grate on my nerves the way she usally does I'm still not ready to...
  5. C

    Those Pesky Ratings

    I actually loved the darkness of the early season one shows. I'm so glad I own the DVD. I was torn between watching this show and watching Life. I ended up picking this show out of loyalty. But I can defintaly feel my interest decreasing. It started decreasing during season 3 when one of my...
  6. C

    CSI: New York--'Can You Hear Me Now?'

    Thanks to Lorlai over at the offical talkback in the CSI:NY forum, you can tell me how out of sync you think it is. The new visuals with the old version of the theme. Personally, I think it works perfectly fine. I also feel that the only reason they changed it was to make it more "cool" and "hip."
  7. C

    Grade 'Can You Hear Me Now?'

    Meh. Why did they screw up Baba O'Reily? Like somebody else said at first I thought it had been done to make room for AJ and Robert but noo-ooo. Aparently it was done to make it more "cool" and "hip" :rolleyes: Thank you for remembering the show takes place in New York writers! Sometimes I...
  8. C

    Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

    :( There is no way I'm going to allow my hopes to get up. If you're let down it's a long way to fall with a painful landing. Just for the heck of it I decided to see what the Lindsay Fans are saying and most of them are sure it was a typo. Considering how often Lindsay appears in the spoilers I...
  9. C

    CSI: NY Wish List

    Hillicious, EWWW! Please play somebody with a pulse, I beg you! As for killing Lindsay, maybe Daniel Katums can use a chainsaw. :devil: Nahhh, maybe not. I just want them to quit it with the D/L nonsense. I'm glad they won't be doing a will they/won't they but the spoilers seem to indicate...
  10. C

    Why Lindsay Must Go

    I didn't mean Danny not taking Lindsay's shift, I meant if it was rewritten so Lindsay didn't appear in the episode at all, if Danny had the earlier shift, then there wouldn't be any major impact on the story at all. It'd pretty much be the exact same story. That's what I was trying to say...
  11. C

    Why Lindsay Must Go

    I am so glad I own season one on DVD. What I hated most about Lindsay's role in Snow Day was that she was used as a plot device: a reason for Danny to be taken hostage.(and for him to take his shirt off.) She and that sex scene didn't need to be in the episode, if you removed them the plot...
  12. C

    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers: Hot Off The Press!

    I don't know how I feel about everyone suddenly having a girlfriend or boyfriend. I don't think I'll be able to make up my mind until the episodes finally air. I like Adam and everything, but why is he getting a girlfriend and not Hawkes? Adam isn't even in the opening credits! That should put...
  13. C

    Grade 'Snow Day'

    I like the Mac/Peyton relationship because they have believeable chemistry, they act like a real adult couple in love. I don't think Peyton was wrong for tricking Mac, due to his workaholic personality the only other way she could've gotten him to take time off would've been bashing him on the...
  14. C

    Grade 'Snow Day'

    Man! Was Lindsay totally useless in this episode or what? Her only purpose seemed to be feeling guilty because Danny traded shifts with her and became a hostage in her place. Oh, yeah, and getting Danny naked. :rolleyes: Was it really necesary to show that? They woke up naked on the pool table...
  15. C

    Grade '...Comes Around'

    I thought the episode was interesting, but like almost everybody else has pointed out it was a little too easily resolved. Why did Truby decide to help Mac? He felt a little too much like a plot device. The character scenes saved this episode. I loved Danny's testimony and the way he silently...
  16. C

    Grade 'Past Imperfect'

    I gave this episode a "B". I had to take points off because there was no mention of Louie! :mad: The moment with Danny and Hawkes talking to the side show characters was cool. Stella's storyline can't be over that easily! Not after all that buildup... of course it was obvious she was going to...
  17. C

    Happy 30th Birthday to Top!!!

    Happy Birthday, Top! I hope it's a great one. :D
  18. C

    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    :confused: A crossover? Might be fun. The main downside to crossovers is that you kind of need to be a fan of both shows and what happends with two part crossovers when the shows get realsed on DVD? Will the box set have both shows on it? While it's in reruns you'll only get half the story...
  19. C

    Why Lindsay Must Go

    If she's the elder sister, why does she whine like a little girl? Hopefully now that we're done with the dark secret nonsense she'll stop that.
  20. C

    Grade 'A Daze of Wine and Roaches'

    :confused: I think you may have replied to the wrong topic. Did you mean to post in the spoiler thread? Anyway there's only six episodes left in the season, not the series itself so you can relax.