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  1. C

    Grade 'Rush to Judgment'

    Re: Flack & Angell I guess so. Maybe I was just thinking that there would be a little more build up to the reveal or something I dunno. Or maybe it was just the way it was revealed. I can't explain it. I really hope that the slow motion and the split screens won't be permanent. Sometimes...
  2. C

    Grade 'Rush to Judgment'

    The story was pretty interesting, and rather gruesome with having to put the victim back together, but I have to agree with the other poster who said it felt like Flack's story got pushed aside when it should have been the main focus. I missed seeing a scene between Danny and Flack. So far...
  3. C

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

    Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple Aw, man! I take a quick vacation from CSI:NY(save for my season one DVDs) and I come back to find out Lindsay is going to be pregnant? With Danny's baby? Good Grief! How old are these two again? And what pray tell, do they do for a...
  4. C

    Does Flack Love Danny?

    I voted "yes" to Flack loving Danny. Like others have said, you don't have to bring lust into it. That's something that frustrates me about some hetro pairings in other fandoms. People can love each other very deeply without wanting to roll around in the hay together. Of course I obviously have...
  5. C

    Grade 'Happily Never After'

    The episode was pretty good. I loved Adam dancing in the lab and poor Flack being traumatised by the behind the scenes at the food vendors. I also liked the continuity from Child's Play and Angell trying to reach out to Danny. She let him know he had her sympathy and was willing to listen if he...
  6. C

    Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

    I didn't see her comment to Mac as being self-centered. Obviously anybody's going to have a difficult time figuring out what to say. I'm terrible when people cry. It makes no difference what the reason is for their tears, I always freeze up. I feel like I *have* to say something to them, but I...
  7. C

    Was Danny Responsible? *Child's Play Spoilers*

    The more I think about it, the more I think "no." Danny answered his cell phone because he probably thought it was work, that he was being summoned to a crime scene. Ruben was ten not two, he knew he wasn't supposed to ride too far ahead and yet he took off around the corner anyway. He was old...
  8. C

    Grade 'Child's Play'

    Man, what a heartbreaking episode! Poor Danny. :( That scene with Mac and Lindsay had felt like a set-up scene to me: like we should have had some kind of pay off at the end of the episode with Lindsay trying to reach out to Danny somehow.(I'm not saying I wanted that, it's just how the scene...
  9. C

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    No Eddie AXN clips. But if you check the poster's profile you'll see they have Eddie's appearance on L&O:SVU. Carmine looks like a little boy on school picture day. :D
  10. C

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    :lol: You're very welcome. I had a feeling you guys would like that. :) Wish CBS had those. How much longer until Child's Play?! I want a time machine!
  11. C

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    I come with a gift. It's just a five second clip with Carmine telling viewers to stay tuned for more CSI:NY. There are also clips from the same poster with the other cast members. I'm really looking forward to Child's Play, Carmine's going to be amazing in it! From what I gleemed from the...
  12. C

    Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

    Isn't this the episode that's airing this week? I think I'll skip it. I have no desire to watch Danny imagine an annoymous lab tech morph into Lindsay or watch Lindsay & Danny almost kiss and I especially don't want to see those scenes in slow motion. Jeez, even if I liked the Ship I wouldn't...
  13. C

    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers--Get 'Em In A New York Minute

    The episode sounds like a lot of fun, but yeah, I'm hoping Danny won't be perfectly fine either. Maybe the other characters could be cracking jokes about the strangeness of the cases but Danny doesn't even smile or acts distant and withdrawn.
  14. C

    And They All Lived 'Happily Never After'

    This episode sounds awesome! It'll probably be a lot of fun.
  15. C

    Grade 'The Thing About Heroes'

    Good episode! But GAH! Why did they do a recap when Mac just ends up telling the entire story(complete with flashbacks) all over again? There wasn't any need for it. Superhero Danny! Loved how he was able to stop the train and save everybody. So now Lindsay is using the nickname Danny & Adam...
  16. C

    Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

    I think her performance was slightly better in SVU. I can't really explain why, but I had an easier time feeling empathy for her character. Maybe there's just something about Lindsay Monroe that Anna can't connect with.
  17. C

    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers--Get 'Em In A New York Minute

    From what I could see of the promo, Mac gets knocked unconsicous and is later tied to a chair. There are these motion sensitive lasers surrounding him, and there's a shot of a rifle firing, so I guess it's been rigged so any movement would cause the weapon to go off. I also saw a clip of the...
  18. C

    Grade 'One Wedding and a Funeral'

    Pretty good episode. Just some thoughts of mine: Why in the heck were those families brawling? The musicians continuing to play was pretty funny though. Whee! Bubblewrap! I *love* bubblewrap! Sid's dead ringer joke was really funny. Danny thought so too. That best friend was not only stupid...
  19. C

    Grade 'Buzzkill'

    Great episode! I loved Sid comparing the model's corpse to his uncle. :lol: Poor Danny, always way too trusting for his own good. You need to work on that sweetie, practice a little caution once and awhile. I loved how he stayed at the hospital all night and wouldn't go home. Faylinn: Brandi...
  20. C

    Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

    She was actually kinda fun in last night's episode. As I said in the episode thread, the sling shot scene was a lot of fun and I liked her line about shooting at boys. I also liked Danny calling her Dennis the Menace. If she could just be like this most of the time I wouldn't have a problem with...