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  1. Jessica_Lynne

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Wow. I haven't been here in ages. *Curses work and financial aid paperwork* On a good and hilarious note; I've been babysitting my three year old niece for the last two weeks (due to my brother and his new girlfriend getting ready for a baby in a few months) and we always watch the CSI...
  2. Jessica_Lynne

    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    :) It's from Hammer Down, I believe. You'll have to excuse me; I don't know any of the characters in it, aside from Langston. :( I fail, ha. (If the photo is too big, let me know and I'll resize it.)
  3. Jessica_Lynne

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #10

    Sadly, 'tis time to give up Greg. But we had fun making our little snow fort and he made hot chocolate...with the little marshmallows, of course :) Now, the runners up! Well, not really; but I wanted to choose one from each player, because y'all had really good ones :D If I had a say in it...
  4. Jessica_Lynne

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #10

    Whee! We have like a foot of snow and guess who's here and is going to help me make an igloo? :D How about captions? :) Make your own for any Eric/Greg/OC picture! 12 in about 24 :D
  5. Jessica_Lynne

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #10

    Snow means snow day. Snow day means Greg Day. :D Second set. Sorry for any repeats :) Blue light in the corner Blue-ish from the window (it looks blue to me) Blue Some more Azul! Ha, thank you Dora the Explorer for my Spanish lesson! Blue! I've been noticing the lab is very blue. Perhaps they...
  6. Jessica_Lynne

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #10

    Congrats gregfan3! Hopefully you'll let Greg make a snow angel in the blizzard :D We're supposed to be getting something like that too. We already got almost 6 inches in a few hours! I'd consider this blue :D Blue coming from the outside Blue light AND wearing blue, haha. Blue from somewhere...
  7. Jessica_Lynne

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #10

    Second set. Sorry for any dupes :) Sick Shelves 'Heh, he said SKIDMARKS' :lol: Sink Shocked or surprised
  8. Jessica_Lynne

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #10

    Shower Sideburns Slurp or Sip Singing Bass (in background) Sweet Mary Jane Smirk? Or Stokes
  9. Jessica_Lynne

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #10

    Set Dos :) More green light Well...yellow-green, but mostly green. :) Green on the background poster. Miniscule green, but it's there :D Green Circles on shirt Lots of green in background Green shirt Green on the wall All of this green is making me want to watch The Grinch :lol:
  10. Jessica_Lynne

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #10

    Congrats Dizzney :D May I now present...The Incredible Greg! Green dumpster(?) in background Green pipe Well, I consider it green :) Green light Bushes or Trees Trees Green light(?) in background
  11. Jessica_Lynne

    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    Catherine: Woah! First, Mandy made Nick sing for his results, now this?! :wtf: Grissom: I didn't know Nick was that flexible. Officer Dude: Is that legal? Bear: No, believe me, I've done it. :shifty:
  12. Jessica_Lynne

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    I'm getting ready to cap the seasons I have on DVD. I think I'll only cap Greg; not saying I don't love everyone else, I do. But I'm going to do them one at a time. :) On a side note, I've been watching The Net (or at least all of the clips on youtube, due to not being able to find mine. Sigh)...
  13. Jessica_Lynne

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #10

    Congrats, Jacquie! I love I Spy and I love Eric/Greg, so amazing theme :D Chair Swab In trouble CBS Striped Shirt I on the overalls
  14. Jessica_Lynne

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    All Langston (and other assorted people) and no Greg make Jessica a sad girl. :lol: Ha, most people who begin to watch CSI do so for the mystery or suspense, but I started watching it because I thought that the 'goofy DNA tech was pretty awesome.' I still can't believe how far he's come since...
  15. Jessica_Lynne

    Nick and Mandy - "Sing it Dude!"

    Haha, I am very stubborn, or so my family has told me, and I will continue to believe that even if it's not canon officially, Nick and Mandy are together on some kind of level. God, if only I had the Genie from Aladdin here with me... I want to write a fanfiction about them. Ha, my fanfiction...
  16. Jessica_Lynne

    "Internal Combustion" Discussion - *SPOILERS*

    Geez, now that Archie's going to be in this episode, maybe Greg can stop doing his job (or at least that's what it seems like, seeing as he's often in the A/V lab. :lol:) and get back into the field more often. Yay! Taylor Scout-Compton is one of my favorite young actresses. Is it Thursday yet...
  17. Jessica_Lynne

    Eric/Greg Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #10

    Probably sitting this one out [work, ACT, babysitting] but geez, you girls be careful; you might give someone a heart attack with those pictures! Although, that wouldn't be too bad of a way to go. :adore:
  18. Jessica_Lynne

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    Ha, my brother's fiancee called me strange because we were sitting here watching CSI (Thank you SPIKE for constant marathons when my DVD player is broken.) and I made a comment on Eric's eyelashes. They're just so long and adorable. I notice little things that make other people's eyebrows raise...
  19. Jessica_Lynne

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

    I totally agree, Wojo. But I did like Greg's purple shirt in his first scene. It made me giggle considering its one of my favorite colors. :) But yeah, I think it was an overall bad episode. Golf is not a way to gain my attention short as it may be. :lol: