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  1. GottaLoveVegas

    Forensic Science Trivia Game!

    Shot in the wind... The victim was killed in the dry sauna and moved to the whirlpool to cover up the evidence of necglect? Haha hope I'm close, I have no idea...
  2. GottaLoveVegas

    What Songs Would *YOU* Put on an Episode of CSI?

    Aaah yess!! Haha I just recently stumbled upon still from the (S)Aint video Eric was friend Brittany was absolutely tickled when I showed her...
  3. GottaLoveVegas

    photo manipulation fun

    Aah, those are really neat! If I come up with ideas for any I shall post some... *tries to come up with fun ideas*
  4. GottaLoveVegas

    Getting To Know Each Other

    skiJeRZe I like your first name!! Reeble- either 20 or 23 is my guess
  5. GottaLoveVegas

    What are you reading?

    ahh I love Egypt! Im-a have to go get that, I can see! I finished "Stiff" by Mary Roach a while ago and now I am reading "Dracula" by Bram Stoker and "More Than You Know" by Meg Chittenden.
  6. GottaLoveVegas

    Getting To Know Each Other

    1) Name (If you don't want to share your real name how about a nickname): Kerstyn 2) Birthday: July 7, 1992. 3) Age (for those who don't wanna do the math): 13 4) Favorite Music Genre: most anything but most rap 5) Favorite Band/Singer: The Killers (!!), AFI, The Click Five, Matchbox 20, Rob...
  7. GottaLoveVegas


    I got to see the Cubbies win the 14th....I was so happy they won, even if they just barely scraped by....hehe instead of saying "Go Cubs" exactly I will say this: Eamus Catuli!!! (cheating, I know) :D
  8. GottaLoveVegas

    CSI LV Actors in Music video's

    Re: Paul Guilfoyle (Brass) in a music video Thanks for directing me over here Destiny, I must have overlooked this...I have a MM fan friend, I gotta tell her this! *scurries off*
  9. GottaLoveVegas

    What Songs Would *YOU* Put on an Episode of CSI?

    Wooooooooww such good ideas! And really, the writers and such really should take some ideas from us...hehe.... How about "Ohio (Come Back to Texas)" by Bowling For Soup for Nick. "Come back to Texas It's just not the same since you went away Before you lose your exit And drive on through the...
  10. GottaLoveVegas

    Contact Thread

    My MSN and Yahoo are both under Jenius2008 I also just got AIM, it's BrandyFlowers08 Feel free to add me, I'm on almost all the time, just let me know your nickname on here hehe!
  11. GottaLoveVegas


    Haha, me too, I thought it was a really good episode. And I gree, the wine tasting scene was priceless! :lol: And Aqua-Velva will never be the same to me! :lol: :lol:
  12. GottaLoveVegas

    Things I learned on CSI..........

    When dating a CSI, always have a good conversation topic: (jump to clip from "Pledging Mr. Johnson"): "Tell me, how did this get on his penis?" *Something like that anyway* lol that cracks me up. Spike TV rules :lol:
  13. GottaLoveVegas

    The Official Pets thread

    This is my cow, er, DOG Cookee: A really old pic, she's 80 pounds now. Supposedly she's a beagle/German shepard mix, but I still say she's part Holstein lol! I also have a beagle/daschund mix (Carmel), 2 kitties (Promise & Figaro) and a goldish colored fish I sometimes call Free Money (I...
  14. GottaLoveVegas

    What are you reading?

    I'm waiting for "Stiff" to come in, I ordered it from a few days ago. Already forgot the author and full title, but really looking forward to it! I was going to but it in a store once but bought a book on the history of crime, it has newspaper stories on big-time crimes and backgrounds on...
  15. GottaLoveVegas

    How old are most CSI fans?

    :D Sorry about her. I'd like to say that it's all CSI's fault that I turned out like I am, but it's just me lol. Don't get me wrong, I'm not totally off my rocker...just...erm.....on the edge of the seat, in a manner of speaking. It's odd how I'm drawn to some of the "more disturbing" episodes...
  16. GottaLoveVegas

    What Songs Would *YOU* Put on an Episode of CSI?

    So many good ifeas on here! We should rally together and have the studios let us take over for an episode as guest writers or whatever, I think we could do a pretty good job! :D I remember a CBS commercial with "Beautiful Day" on it, there was a clip of Grissom by the CSI break room...
  17. GottaLoveVegas


    That's what I told Mom, that if we see William Petersen we had better get an autograph or I'm gonna die from disappointment lol!
  18. GottaLoveVegas


    awesomeredhead and jazzfan, I'm with you. My mom is a die-hard Cubbies fan, so I got sucked into it lol! We're going to Wrigley August 14 to see them play the Cardinals. It stinks that my friends are mostly Cards fans, we live only 1 1/2 hours away from St. Louis and about 3 away from Chicago...
  19. GottaLoveVegas

    How old are most CSI fans?

    lol, I always feel so little when I think about being 8 and watching a show about some woman (shown to your left in my icon lol) drinking people's organs and then seeing aaaaaaaaaall the other people on here that are graduates of college and high school and everything and that my grandma watches...
  20. GottaLoveVegas

    How old are most CSI fans?

    I started watching in the first season, I was 8 then I think.