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    701 Resurrection - **Contains Spoilers!!**

    FINALLY!!!!! i've been waiting for this episode. all day i've just been counting down the minutes. and now that its passed i must say i thought the episode was awesome. i think they did a pretty good job with explaining the shooting and not making it unrealistic or anything. the cinematography...
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    Season 7 **Spoiler Lab** - Gimme More, Gimme Gimme More!

    i'm glad jake is coming back and am interested to see what he looks like but i don't want him to stay for very long. i'm not a big fan of the character.
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    Season 7 **Spoiler Lab** - Gimme More, Gimme Gimme More!

    not trying to get anyone excited or mad or anything but i've been noticing with eric as would anybody who got shot in the head, he has been going downhill and now especially with him getting calliegh to take that refresher course for him near the end of last season i think it would make sense...
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    Episode 6x21 - 'Going Ballistic' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    although i think the fake blood idea is rather stupid if the blood was real blood coming from H then im pretty sure he'd be dead quite soon. if im wrong then let me know but thats what i think
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    Episode 6x21 - 'Going Ballistic' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    i think they mean like what role he has in all of this.
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    Episode 6x21 - 'Going Ballistic' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    i have enivsions of the biggest super H start to season 7. ron ends up being the person who shot H and he comes out to check on him to make sure hes dead and i dont know if anybody saw the movie saw, but like at the end of saw 1 where jigsaw gets up, H gets up and shoots ron or shoots him and...
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    Episode 6x21 - 'Going Ballistic' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    im going crazy right now.:scream: that was a great cliffhanger. crazy open ends going on there. the whole ryan thing hmm. didnt see that one coming. loved the end imagery with H's helpless look and the broken sunglasses. lol cant wait for september now. i really wanna see how this all comes...
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    Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1 hey im kinda new to this whole shipping stuff. but i have to say eric and calleigh are the pair that need to get together the most on the show. and i also very much dont like jake lol
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    Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

    lol i like 5 :lol:
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    CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own Risk!

    i really want H to get shot. like everyone says he needs to show some humanity. but i agree with something that someone previously said about him 'staging being dead' to go after ron. it sounds very likely that that could happen. i would rather him get shot though lol and whats this about...
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    "All In" reviewed by a 12 year old

    wow i cant understand anything
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    Episode #615, & 616: Ambush, All In **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    all in was great. and i think the begginging just topped or came close to my all time list of super H moments lol. one problem i had with it though was that H went to brazil because he murdered riaz but leaving he ends up murdering like 7 more people. it just doesnt work for me. but other than...
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    Episode #615, & 616: Ambush, All In **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    i was so upset i missed the first 20 minutes. but caught the rest. it was an awesome ep and i cant wait for tomorow's. though could someone please let me know what happened in the first 20 minutes. it would be greatly appreciated. i turned it on when the found the calleigh website for the first...
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    Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

    alright here you go. i think we should have some fun with this one :thumbsup:
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    Survivor? We Call It Camping ~ Canadian Thread #5

    we're from the big city of canada eh
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    CSI The Movie (wishful thinking)

    I've always wanted there to be a csi movie. i've wanted one that ties in all three shows but not the typical were going to another jurisdiction thing. but i recetly thought what if they made a csi movie to end all the series together. like you know tie up all lose ends and have a crazy case to...
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    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI:Miami When...Part 2!

    when you come down stairs to see someones watching csi miami re runs and you can tell what episode it is within the first ten seconds. guilty
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    Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

    Cal: ah yes, the suns just perfect for my noon tan. Nat. oh shutup about the tan already! your white as a ghost and youl never be as tanned as me. get over it. now get over here and help me out already this thing ways a tonne!
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    CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own Risk!

    i cant wait for the new episodes to air. there seems to be a lot of stuff going on though. i feel like with the missed episodes that theyre going to end up over saturating the episodes with stories to make up for it.cause already ive heard a bunch of different stories with the csi's and its only...