This is an interesting story that I thought I would post for the morality element. Would you have returned the check? Anyone here believe in "finders keepers" and would have tried to bank the cheque? How many of you think it would at least cross your mind to keep it? What about if it was a wad...
Re: New Year Resolutions
I don't really have any resolutions, just a couple of things to try and do:
1) Read more books (I have a list of over 150 I want to read)
2) Eat out at more new/different restaurants.
Pretty boring, but there we are :lol:
Re: Last Photographer Standing #2
Congratulations to the winners!
Sorry to see you go Megan, though look forward to seeing more of your entries in future comps :)
Welcome back ilh214 :) and thanks everyone for your welcome backs earlier on the page.
Unfortunately I didn't get season 4 of Miami on dvd for Christmas, so instead I ordered it from a seller on Amazon yesterday. Am hoping it will arrive early next week. But in the meantime I've been looking...
Re: Welcome to Miscellaneous - Important ~ Upd 14th Jan 06
Thanks everyone for the well wishes :)
Don't worry, I'll be around...when you least expect :devil: Heh heh ;)