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  1. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re:Gil<3Cath #25:PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu Kaylyne, that's precisely the sense I got too. Catherine knows. And I suspect she isn't happy about it, from the expression on her face in Loco Motives when Sara walked into their conversation. Catherine continues to be very protective...
  2. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re:Gil<3Cath #25:PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu My favourite finale? Possibly Strip Strangler. ITB was great too but SS is special: it was Cath and Gil in a totally different way. We saw Gil down and out, and Catherine stepping in vigorously to help him stand up again. She was the...
  3. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re:Gil<3Cath #25:PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu A Cath/Keppler pairing? Don't like the idea at all. But I'd gladly go along with a Cath/Adam Novak pairing. Marg did say in an interview that Catherine was attracted to dangerous men. I'd say Adam Novak rather fits the bill. PLUS he's...
  4. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re:Gil<3Cath #25:PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In Hi, everyone, and a belated Happy New Year to all! As for Anne's question: In Spellbound, Catherine told Gil that she, Lindsey, Lily and Sam were off to Disneyland and it was a road trip so we can be sure Lindsey did spend extended time...
  5. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In Nah. T_TB made a choice in favour of one particular direction which left no room for much else. Besides, the Season 5 team split remains in place, in the form of who is allowed to work with whom. So Grissom still works with Sara and Greg...
  6. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In Fathers! :rolleyes: No guy is ever good enough for their daughter. But he was right with Chris Bezich though. I loved his line about Chris not impressing Cath. Did any of you think there had been some conversation between Cath and Gil...
  7. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In I too am not looking forward to the S7 promos. I think we're not the only ones. Since T_TB drove this huge wedge into their fanbase, I'm suspecting they too aren't confident that the promo pics will do them any good. And that might...
  8. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In That, dears, is not called friendship. It's called L-O-V-E. In its purest and most enduring form. The kind that Grissom the loner most appreciates because it is not demanding, it is sensitive to his needs and respectful of the person that...
  9. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In I think Gil does know that Catherine will have his back. To the point of killing for him. Remember Strip Strangler? He continues to open up to her, as we saw in Loco Motives, and that's a great sign of trust. It isn't due to the fact that...
  10. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In Ah.No more bets. Sam and Gil - a classic GC scene minus the C in it. Isn't it amazing? Gil looking out for his Catherine, and later we learn that Sam too looked out for his Mugs. Now if Gil will only get his a** out of his midlife blue...
  11. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In :D yeah. remembered just in time - ok maybe not so just in time - the PG-o-meter. LOL.
  12. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In Yes! I totally agree. They are just so playful around each other but they know where the boundaries lie. Well said. I was horrified when I chanced on a manip not so long ago: the people who made it had taken a personal photo of the actor...
  13. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In And more. Much more sometimes. See? T_TB have starved us so badly we're grateful for crumbs! LOL. But yes, the recent few episodes have been improvements over the several where Gil and Cath weren't even allowed in the same space, or if...
  14. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In OK. Very limited optimism here. Like Anne said, all the eps we're seeing were written and filmed several weeks back, probably when the ratings were hitting new lows. (Now, for those who would be fool enough to counter that T_TB don't...
  15. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In Ah. Gradually more and more GC. :D The MCS case was boring. The Max case was hilarious, and that little girl (Suzie, was it?) was just such a precocious little cutie. Loved it when she unmasked Max's identity in her innocent way...
  16. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In Thanks, Rissa, for posting those GC caps from the Loco Motives promo. And a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Gravy! Back to the pics: what a wonderful smile Gil has there. Even his eyes are smiling and that's a lovely change from that dour...
  17. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In I too ship GC only. I guess it's because I see a couple in them: besides the flirty moments and the silent communication of all kinds (by a glance, a touch, a wry smile or a playful, teasing smirk, or even a frown, a pleading look...)...
  18. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In Have you people listened to William Petersen's interview about his play, A Dublin Carol? You can find a link to the video here on the William Petersen Appreciation Page. Somewhere towards the latter half of the interview, he talks about...
  19. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In He wants to be alone? Best news ever! Cuz Cath never crowds him in. She knows to respect him and his beloved solitude. He doesn't even have to articulate every thought: she knows what he's thinking, and when he needs to get it out of his...
  20. R

    Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

    Re: Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A T On the WPAP photos, we see him minus all the stage make-up. Plus, if he's been rehearsing really hard, he'd look tired and pretty much unkempt. But you know what, I do prefer that "au naturel" look of his. There is so much character...