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  1. christalann

    What Do You Think Baby Girl Messer's Name Should Be?

    Anyone for Shelly? or Donatella? or Mackinzie? :thumbsup:
  2. christalann


    So I got his glasses and the box, but I was missing the lab coat. SO I took it upon myself to make a slight change. He is now Teddy ME Sheldon complete with scrubs and glasses. :) Its so cute. I'm taking pictures tonight and uploading. It was so hard to get out of build a bear with out going...
  3. christalann

    One Word

    Mac: Headstrong Stella: Determined Danny: Witty Flack: Charming Lindsay: Fun-loving Adam: Sweet Hawkes: Kind Sid: Funny Angell: Strong
  4. christalann

    Who had the best character development this season?

    I'll join in the glaring section! *Glares at TPTB* I really like the development that adam has had this season with all the characters. He's come out of his lab shell a little more. I wish I would have seen more *shoots glare* But, I do like that with the fact that we have seen the...
  5. christalann

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    Hide behind Flack and Hawkes at Adam's place? :devil: BTW Fay, you made my morning when I read that! :lol: I think I missed something. Danny in a coma?! Someone please tell me that its not true. I like D/L, but this would be reeeeallly pushing it.
  6. christalann

    CSI: NY Picture Thread #4: Ready for Your Close Up?

    I agree! I didn't look that good after I had mine. I went to sleep as soon as I could.
  7. christalann

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    Run Adam Run!! Hide behind someone, maybe even Hawkes? :devil:
  8. christalann

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    Welcome to all!! *points to cookie and punch* :)
  9. christalann

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    I don't mind them turning them more towards the actors, if they are able to bring more to the table in lines with the story. Mentioning it once and then dropping it for two or three seasons, just to come back and say something different isn't right though.
  10. christalann

    Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

    Sorry for the double post, but my computer didn't work. Anna gave birth to her second child, son George, on Feb. 6. For some reason my button things dont work.
  11. christalann

    Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

    I tried to look back, and see if someone reported this but
  12. christalann

    Dear Writers... (Have something you want to say?)

    :lol::lol::lol::lol::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:Oh fay!
  13. christalann

    Happy Birthday, Stars of CSI:NY!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELINA!!!:angel::beer:
  14. christalann


    Fedex is scheduled to come sometime on friday or saturday. He should be complete soon! :bolian:
  15. christalann

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    I can't take it either. I mean really! Now I'm left to hope and pray that my three favorite guys are ok. As much as I'd whine and moan after, I wish it would be finale day already. All the speculation is killing me. I'd stop reading spoilers, if I wasn't already so addicted. Spoilers are my drug...
  16. christalann

    What keeps you watching CSI:NY?

    I watch because I love the characters. I started watching mid season 1 and have stayed loyal to it every since. I mean how could you leave?!:luvlove:
  17. christalann

    CSI: NY Picture Thread #4: Ready for Your Close Up?

    WHAT WHAT WHAT!!! Lindsay isn't wearing a wedding ring! Danny's wearing his. Am I the only one that noticed? I love the pictures, I'm just shocked that I don't see a ring. I got to keep mine when I went in.
  18. christalann


    Hmm.. If someone could get me some info on where to send a picture, I would send a picture off. I want to make sure my teddy sheldon would go to a good home where he would be hugged and loved properly. :guffaw:
  19. christalann

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    Haha! My apologizes for mentioning it. It was just sitting in the back of the brain, and i wanted it gone. Darn those TPTB's for making things into lame jokes. :lol:
  20. christalann

    Dear Writers... (Have something you want to say?)

    Dear TPTB, Do you watch these episodes in editing? If not, might I suggest a marathon of seasons 2,3,4,5? For example, You keep changing danny's apartment. As much as its great that you show him out of the lab, but it is not plausable to keep moving every few months! There are people that you...