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  1. christalann

    Grade 'Vacation Getaway'

    Does anyone else notice how suddenly TPTB are tying up old stories? Shane Casey, Payton? Its nice to see these people come out of the bunker of certain doom. I'm just hoping to get Louie or Sam out!
  2. christalann

    Grade 'Vacation Getaway'

    I normally wouldn't say anything, but it was a Volvo. I LOVE that car. Sorry *ducks her head from flying objects*. I agree with most of your comments. I am a D/L fan but geesh. They shouldn't be affording all this. When I threw aside the back knowledge of characters, I loved the episode. I...
  3. christalann

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    Ok, that is hilarious! Does that make Danny a 9.5 on that scale? I got lucky with my chem teacher. My health teacher is a HUGE grey's fan (like me) so we also get done at 7:30 so we all have time to get home and watch it. Ok, three more! You know you watch too much CSI:NY when A) you...
  4. christalann

    Grade 'Blacklist'

    From what I have seen in the episodes, Stella is like the "Mother Hen". Now one of her chickies is hurt, and she's confused. It might make sense that since Danny is married now, that she is trying to figure out what to do that won't step on Lindsay's toes. So instead, she is staying back and...
  5. christalann

    Grade 'Blacklist'

    First off, did anyone else see that the first shot of the stairs that hawkes and mac climb is the same stairs that is in charge of this post (i think, its the epidsode where the building blows up and flack is split open?) ? I thought for a second that the building was going to blow up...
  6. christalann

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    you know you watch too much csi:ny when.... you center your entire college schedule on either or not you will be able to get home on wednesday's. Funny story. Last week during roll, we had to say our favorite show. Of course I said CSI:NY. She looked at me and said. "I promise to get you out...
  7. christalann

    Need Help

    Ok, I don't know if people remember me. I have been gone awhile for the break. I had a summer semester from the pits of below, which didn't leave me time to check in. Then just when I wanted to come back and start reading everything, I had a total loss house fire on labor day. :( Really...
  8. christalann

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    I'm not the only one!!!!!!!
  9. christalann

    Angell Story on the web

    I just came across this article on losing Angell. Thought I would share!!
  10. christalann

    CSI: NY Picture Thread #4: Ready for Your Close Up?

    Hey, I know this is old but does anyone still have screenshots from 411 (Child's Play)? More specifically from the morgue scene when danny walks away when lindsay appears?
  11. christalann

    Adam/AJ #2: The X-Factor - Must. Fight. Crime!

    I might be hearing things, but in last weeks episode did anyone else here him say something about being between girlfriends? lol..
  12. christalann

    CSI: NY Picture Thread #4: Ready for Your Close Up?

    I caught this one watching the promo again.. thought I would share it :cool: It makes me giggle.
  13. christalann

    Sheldon Needs Some Lovin'!

    :adore: *blushes* awww. shucks guys. He has become my CSI buddy. For example, when I was getting ready to sleep on saturday, I happened to flip to ABC (which is a rare at my house) and all of a sudden i got a tv full of mac! I was so excited that I grabbed teddy sheldon, and we watched the whole...
  14. christalann

    Sheldon Needs Some Lovin'!

    After some requests, I thought that I would post this from the other page..
  15. christalann

    Grade 'Yahrzeit'

    I'm double posting only because i finally found the kleenex box. Nothing says congrats on your marriage like a two week suspension. She's got to be so proud. I'm a D/L fan too (hense the icon) but there are some things that just ruin it. :lol: I'm totally looking forward to the scene...
  16. christalann

    Grade 'Yahrzeit'

    The episode was amazing. I'm in tears. Enough said.
  17. christalann

    Favorite Quotes Game

    Cold Reveal?
  18. christalann


  19. christalann


    Ah~ Ok, I apoligize. Its my first time posting pictures on here. I'll try again tonight.
  20. christalann


    please tell me if this worked or not!