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  1. A

    Show Hill Harper some love!

    It's really hard to believe he's 40. Doesn't look a day older than 25-30. Brother is like a fine wine. :lol: I have yet to see Loving Jezebel....Want to though! Heard it was funny.
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    I remember him saying that when he has the little porno sequence as he's going into Jasmine's house. I never heard him saying it at the end....I'll have to listen for it the next time I see it.
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    Girl, you have definately got to watch that scene again to see the King Size. :lol: :eek: Also, he was soooo into "playing". I mean, it literally looked like he was jerking on a chain...I guess he was though. hahahaha It....Kinda turned me on...Don't know if I would've stopped him...Might've...
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    Ok, in Love, Sex and Eating the Bones, when he's "playing guitar" and hops up when Jasmine catches him.....You can see some King Size action going on in the boxer/briefs. :D I'm not even kidding. It's a split second, but very noticeable if you're looking for it. Just thought I'd add to the...
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    I'd love to make Hawkes do a few things as well.... *Thoughts go into Gutterland, complete with large bed, good sheets, condoms, and doggystyle*
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    You know what??? You are so right about our beloved Hill's shirts being tight on the show....Boy, that man really knows how to look sexy without appearing to try. Being subtle is everything you know. lol
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    My vote is for Hill to have his own cover! Essence, US Weekly, Playgirl, somebody please give this brother a cover. He deserves it!!
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    I"m slow I saw Carmine on the cover, but I can't remember the magazine's name. He looks great on the cover by the way. CBS would be on to something if they decided to hold Hill down....With handcuffs and whipped cream. lol Alrighty then, *Calling Jerry Bruckheimer* lol
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    I noticed the CSI guys are all on a magazine cover this month. The names escapes me, but one thing didn't escape me.....Hill isn't on the cover! I'm P.O'd! I agree, they need to give us more Hawkes in season 3...They've told more about Lindsey's character than they have Hawkes. It must stop...
  10. A

    Show Hill Harper some love!

    Oh no, you didn't put a damper on my posting here..I"m just one of these annoying people who must know who, what, when, where, and why about EVERYTHING. In fact, I appreciate you answering me back instead of getting mad that I asked like most people would. I meant to reply to Mrs. G, but went...
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    This is bad, but I never expect men to cook. Especially fine ones. Sexist, bad, and terrible, I know. No problem Mrs. G. Didn't mean to ruffle your feathers. But since you brought it up....Why can't we double post??
  12. A

    Show Hill Harper some love!

    I remember thinking it was so cute when I was reading the Eddie/Hill chat and Hill said "Who's going to volunteer to start a Hill Harper thread?" He is too sweet...makes me wonder what's really wrong with him. He's got to have a major defect!
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    I must agree...Hill's abs do rock and smoke the competition. He's tighter than a virgin at a rodeo. I love a tight body.
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    Show Hill Harper some love!

    Now you know he reads this board! He practically begged ya'll to start the thread...and being the devoted fans you guys did it. We are showing so much love right now!!
  15. A

    Show Hill Harper some love!

    Too fine is right. Like I said, get Hawkes a date on the show! Did you notice on that schedule that he will be on Celebrity Jeopardy?? I will be watching that. I am so mad that I don't live in Atlanta right now. He's always there doing something and I have yet to be able to see him!
  16. A

    Show Hill Harper some love!

    I've already had my cold shower....It wasn't enough.
  17. A

    Show Hill Harper some love!

    I am waiting to at least see Hawkes in his drawers or something...I mean damn, CSI is tripping! First of all, any man that fine with a job that good in NY wouldn't be without dates. Can Hawkes get a date?? I mean, come on! I'm glad I was able to shock you for the day!
  18. A

    Show Hill Harper some love!

    Look at me...I've come on this board and just made all you ladies hot and damn bothered.....Glad I could help!!
  19. A

    Show Hill Harper some love!

    Already taken care of Baby...I have handed the caps over to Faylinn and she's going to make it happen. I told Fay that my girlfriend only took 2 caps from the screen when I"d told her to take ALL of them. I will have Hill showered, dressed, well fed, and in good spirits on the 18th. I'll even...
  20. A

    Show Hill Harper some love!

    I haven't seen that episode, but I'd like to.