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  1. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    oh yah, i found that site too..and i must say the only tidbit that stuck to me was about the "Indecent Proposal" movie...wouldn't we be more happier if it was Louise who starred it?? :D i know i'd be hehe :p hi guys, do you still remember me? i do hope so ehehe :D been busy for a long time i...
  2. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    hey thanks! i'll be looking forward to it, it's a shame they're aren't that many clips of Sofia :( ehehe, sorry about that Destiny, just got excited over the thought of a new Sofia vid..won't happen again :D hi diana!! lovely name :) welcome to the thread glad you joined us in the Sofia love...
  3. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    i wouldn't know 'bout challenging others to make a vid but i would love to see your Sofia music videos, hehe ;) :D and if it's okay, can i ask for a copy too? :) you see, i've been collecting every media of Louise in the net (CSI fanvids, clips, icons, etc...etc..) :cool: how are my grinning...
  4. K

    Sofia/Sara slash - SalSa

    Re: Sofia/Sara slash. elo, just dropped by to invite you all to watch the SaSsy/SalSa vids i made for FSAC DW06...some of you may be aware of the site ;) err, if you want to that is...i submitted two vids to the calendar and i still am not sure if i'd be be able to submit a third. if you wanna...
  5. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    hey atfm! :) well, not really having fun though been busy these days..guess it comes with the season :D anyway, i know it's a bit weird but i do have dreams of Sofia but they consist mainly of the slash fics i've read the past months, like they're embedded in my long term memory or something. i...
  6. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    hehe, i knew you'd love that.. ;) the film's been mentioned in the first thread before, and it's a shame you have to have real media player to be able to play it... :( but hey, it's really worth watching 'cause Louise's really HOT there :devil: you need to play it over REAL player...
  7. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    hi guys, how are you all doin'? hope you're all great...sorry for the long reply once again, been busy the couple of days and still is ehehe. just thought i'd drop by :) hi Bullit_01, i visit your site every once and awhile and i must say that you guys did a great job i finally finished reading...
  8. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    thanks Mia and SidLer, still a bit sick but feeling much better now :D the weather's a bit different from where i am, news said we're experiencing El Nino but then we'd also get occasional heavy rain during the day. hot and cold climate don't mix well so everybody's getting sick here... :(...
  9. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    i couldn't agree with you more Destiny apparently they just assumed and jumped into conclusions about Sofia without even confirming first if she's really that person they've conceived to be. real sad as they didn't used their investigative skills first and gotten to know her more. hahahaha...
  10. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    been wondering for the same thing 88Blackbirds, do we have to write CBS before they can come up with Sofia's profile? :confused: i've been visiting the official site time and again just to check if they've posted it but no such luck yet :( i've been reading quite a lot of fanfics but they're...
  11. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    hehe, it's great that you're okay ;) guess, we really can't help it Sofia has that effect on us... :D thanks LadySaraButterfly for sharing some of your favorite quotes/screencaps in the latest episodes, you're real wonderful for updating us who don't have season 7 yet :) *BOING* :eek: *thud*...
  12. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    MIA, MIA!!! speak to me!! :eek: *tries to revive Mia* *lol* :lol: i'm afraid Mia passed out again, i'm sorry guys, it's all my fault! don't worry i'll be posting warnings for her the next time tee-hee :D
  13. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    i was fortunate to have found a copy of Hidalgo but i haven't bought it yet guess i'm still waiting for her other movies to be released as well. yeah it was a bit weird to watch Louise as a character villain...but she was definitely stunning!! :D hehe, funny that you're not the only one who...
  14. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    thanks for the heads up 88Blackbirds, finally i got to watch another of Louise's movies (the other was Hidalgo over a cable channel) and i have to say i LOOOOVE IT!! wish that i could find a copy though, it's real hard to look for her movies over here :confused: i agree with you Mia, superb...
  15. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    i don't really know how to do i've only known the theory ehehe.. :D but i do know who does, Sofia!! remember in "Daddy's Little Girl" (6x12) when she was trying to revive Kelly Gordon? hey, i'd be a glad volunteer for Sofia's CPR anytime :lol:
  16. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    another classic quote of her in "Formalities (5x07)" was SOFIA: Banana peel ... g-string ... (she lifts it up) ... scared of that. hehehe :lol: priceless for one who teased about her underwear earlier, hehehe CUTE!! :D here's the screencap: scary g-string and her another teasing of...
  17. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    yay, word game for our dear Sofia, thanks LadySaraButterfly!! :) i'm also thinking another M word M - mystique (to borrow from wikipedia, a personality trait similar to charisma; refers especially to a quality in certain people who easily draw the attention and admiration (or even hatred if...
  18. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    WOW!! i must agree with MiaCharlize...i'm also not a fan of big glasses but Sofia can certainly pull it off effortlessly :cool: i can see that she's wearing a new pair too, can't wait to see other looks on her. that pic simply screams Rockstar for me, hehe, she looks like one with it :D and...
  19. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    Re: Louise Lombard/Sofia Curtis: Tough Women Don't Try, They hi guys, do you by any chance know if Sofia will be later in "Double Cross"? i don't have any idea if she'll be, but i'm crossing my fingers ehehe :D
  20. K

    Louise/Sofia: Tough Women Don't Try, They Do! Part 2

    Re: Louise Lombard/Sofia Curtis: Tough Women Don't Try, They Wooohooo!! all the Sofia-lovin' are wonderful music to my ears!! :D wanna extend a very warm welcome to all the newbies and "oldies" hehe *hugs everybody*