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  1. C

    Rock/Alternative music

    LP is freakin' sweet! Lol, and I'd swap Break the Cycle for 14 Shades of Grey. I so want that one! But Break the Cycle has 'Outside' and that's one of my favorite Staind songs. I like 'Ohio is for Lovers' but that's the only song I've heard from them. I actually liked the song for a different...
  2. C

    Worst Movies Ever

    *passes cough syrup* Careful everyone, it's catching. ;) I have never actual seen any of her moves but I came this close to watching Mean Girls and I swear I would've had to have been strapped down, drugged, beaten unconsious, or worse in order to watch it. Down with the drama queens and teen...
  3. C

    Rock/Alternative music

    My sister likes them and they were actually playing at a club here recently. I don't know of any other songs of theirs but I like 'Cold'. I did just hear that one of the singers has left the band for some reason. I got 'Break the Cycle' from Staind today and I love it. I also got 'From Under...
  4. C

    Rock/Alternative music

    Roka4csi, I have heard Emotionless. I have every CD of theirs except the first one (titled Good Charlotte). I even have the two different versions for Chronicles of Life and Death just so I could have Falling Away and Meet My Maker. :p I tried to go see them in concert for my brithday but it was...
  5. C

    Worst Movies Ever

    I haven't even seen Napoleon Dynamite but we quote it all the time, lol. I love saying 'idiots' to my parents and have them not know what it is. :p Blair Witch was just weird. I never had nightmares but my sister kept trying to freak me out by making rock piles in our backyard. I was more...
  6. C

    Rock/Alternative music

    Really? Were they cool back then? :cool: I'm kidding! I've just recently gotten into them so I have no idea!
  7. C

    Rock/Alternative music

    Anyone like The Used?
  8. C

    Worst Movies Ever

    I hate her. I hate everything about her. She's annoying, not funny, her clothing always suck, she is NOT the vision of every teenage girl out there, she can't sing or act, her sister is just as annoying, I don't believe she's as sweet as she makes herself out to be. But that's just my opinion.
  9. C

    Rock/Alternative music

    I like 'Meant to Live' by Switchfoot. Have you seen the two different videos for 'Dare You to Move'? It's weird. I like the first one better.
  10. C

    Worst Movies Ever

    Anything with Hilary Duff. I can't stand her she is so damn annoying! I would write more about her but they'd lock me away and trhwo away the key. ;) Seriously, I hate her and nothing, NOTHING, can ever change my opinion. eXistenZ. Seriously, that movie screwed me up. I was never right again...
  11. C

    Rock/Alternative music

    *sigh* Of recent I've been finding myself humming The Bravery's 'Honest Mistake' and I don't know why! I guess it's just addicting. The Used and MCR's 'Under Pressure' is really good too. I'm seriously obsessed with that song, lol!
  12. C

    Rock/Alternative music

    I like Chevelle, to quote Benji. My favorite right now is probably 'The Clincher' but 'The Red' is a close second. That's one of the CD's I want currently. And yeah, Linkin Park is sweet. Check my sig. ;) Mister Hahn is the best! Oh, and kazzy, Chevelle is a band made up of three brothers. And...
  13. C

    Rock/Alternative music

    Isn't the lead singer of Blur also the lead singer of Gorillaz? Or am I crazy? Probably the second one. :p
  14. C

    Rock/Alternative music

    I guess that's good to know because I'm going to be getting 'Break the Cycle' soon. :p I've always liked the songs off '14 Shades of Grey' better but whatever. Anyway, yeah they have a new song out but I don't know if it's off a new album or '14 Shades'. I think it's called 'Right Here Waiting'...
  15. C

    Rock/Alternative music

    Oh, that's helpful. :rolleyes: I'm just kidding! Breaking Benjamin and Papa Roach are awesome too. I can't get Papa Roach's new one out of my head.
  16. C

    Rock/Alternative music

    K, what do they sing? I like The White Stripes new one too. Although, I think it's a very short song. Staind's new one is addicting too. I like 'Attack' by 30 Seconds From Mars.
  17. C

    Rock/Alternative music

    They sound famaliar. Do you know what they sing?
  18. C

    Rock/Alternative music

    Yeah, I need to do the same, lol. Our radio station of late has been playing a lot of the iPod commercial songs, including 'Feel Good Inc.'. That song rocks but they don't play it enough. :(